Devastating Impact of Hurricane Helene on the Southeastern United States — Hurricane Helene wreaked havoc across the Southeastern United States, causing unprecedented damage not only along the coast but also far inland. This powerful storm left a trail of destruction through Georgia, East Tennessee, Western North Carolina, and surrounding areas, including Virginia and West Virginia. #HurricaneHelene

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The rainbow is a covenant from God

The rainbow is a covenant from God, a beautiful gift that God gave us along with a covenant from God. I even share what others have told me the rainbow means to them. #Rainbow #God

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Who are are you going to rely on for the weather? An animal such as a groundhog? a horse? another type of animal? man? or God? I make a brief post here on weather and who to rely on. (Groundhog Day) #GroundhogDay #Groundhog

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The Origins of Groundhog Day

The origins of Groundhog Day – Every year on February 2nd, people anxiously await the appearance of a medium-sized furry mammal who they believe can predict if winter weather will rage on or if spring will arrive sooner than later. #GroundhogDay #GroundHog

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Photography of Leafless Tree Surrounded by Snow

The winter of 1993 was one of the coldest on record, with snow and ice storms hitting much of the eastern United States. But few areas were hit as hard as East Tennessee, where a massive blizzard dumped over two feet of snow in some places, shutting down roads, airports, and schools and leaving residents stranded in their homes for days. #Blizzardof93 #Blizzardof1993

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Wiper Blades Up!

Wiper Blades Up! Want to help preserve those wiper blades during the winter times of snow, freezing rain and slush. When you have your car parked raise your wiper blades up and away from the window. If they are up on the window, they can stand a chance of freezing to the window, especially when freezing rain comes and causes slush and freezes that slush. #WiperBlades

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We’re not in the same boat, We’re in the same storm – a lot of people are saying we are all in the same boat with the pandemic going on. I heard on the radio they said, that were are not all in the same boat, just the same storm.

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