This blog shows the church sign for New Life Church of Knoxville. Check out what this church sign says about Jesus Christ. #Volunteer #Vols
Tag: Sports

This is a blog review of 23 Blast and also includes a trailer. #23Blast

Check out this video of NFL football player Benjamin Watson getting cut off the air for saying Jesus Christ.

I talk about saving the best for last. It might make you rethink about being picked last when you played sports.

Way to take a stand to these Oneida High School cheerleaders for taking a stand on prayer despite the prayer ban.

Every Boy needs a Hero, a new great & wonderful family-friend, Dove Family Approved movie about a importance of a father to his family. #Hero

Jason Witten, for University of Tennessee Vols football player shares his Christian testimony with I am Second. #Second #JasonWitten

Facing the Giants, another great Christian Faith-based film to watch. It’s football season, so take the time to watch this movie w/the family. #facingthegiants

When the Game Stands Tall, Official Trailer, a Christian Faith-based Movie. A remarked story about a coach that took a team on a long record breaking winning streak. #StandTall

Home Run Movie Review
Home Run, A Christian faith-based film. This film is about addiction and overcoming it. This film also talks about Celebrate Recovery. I briefly talk about this film and review it. #HomeRun

10,000 Reasons
What are you thankful for? Can you count them one by one? How about this, can you count 10,000 reasons?