
The meaning behind popular St. Patrick’s Day symbols

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The meaning behind popular St. Patrick’s Day symbols. St. Patrick’s Day is a holiday that is quite rich in traditional symbolism. Even though many of these symbols are familiar and even celebrated, people may not know the full meaning behind their usage. #StPatricksDay

Bible / Church / Dogs / Horse / Jesus Christ / Podcast / Sheep / Snakes

Year of the Lord

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It is the Year of the Lord not the Year of the Rooster or any other Chinese Astrological Zodiac Sign in the Chinese New Year! We are told to stay away from astrology in the Bible. All things belong to Christ including us. We were bought with a price, the precious blood of Jesus! We are to follow and honor Him and Him only. #YearoftheLord #Dog #YearoftheDog #ChineseNewYear

Adultery / Bible / Bible stories of the sea / Creation / Eagles / God / Jesus Christ / Knowledge / Laws / Men of the Bible / Poems / Sin / Snakes / Solomon

Proverbs 30

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Proverbs 30: Day 30 of the 31 Day Proverbs Challenge. Read Chapter Thirty of the Book of Proverbs. #Proverbs #Proverbs30 #bgbg2 #31DayProverbsChallenge

Christian / Health & Fitness / Hunting / Outdoor Truths / Relationships / Snakes

Outdoor Truths – Ginseng

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This weeks Outdoor Truths with Gary Miller is about Ginseng, something of value, relationship with God or someone else, start today recognizing its worth. Uncover it, dig it up, and let it bring value to your life. #OutdoorTruths

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