God’s Last Name Is Not Damn: I talk about blasphemy. Using God’s name in Vain. God’s Name is Holy! His name is to be reverenced not cussed! #IfGodHadALastName
Tag: Sin
![Grace is not an ecuse to sin - It is the power not to sin - Harrogate United Methodist Church](https://www.courageouschristianfather.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/GraceIsNotAnExcuseChurchSign-HarrogateUnitedMethodistChurch.jpg)
Grace Is Not An Excuse Church Sign – This church sign gives a reminder about grace not being an excuse to sin. But what it has the power to do.
![New Years Resolution - Exercise Daily - Walk with God - Run from Sin - Lily Holiness Church](https://www.courageouschristianfather.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/WalkGodRunSin-LilyHolinessChurch-ChurchSign.jpg)
Walk with God – Run from Sin Church Sign – With the new year comes New Years Resolutions. This church sign might be a good daily exercise plan.
![Go And Sin No More - John 8:11](https://www.courageouschristianfather.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Go-Sin-No-More-CCF.jpg)
Go and Sin No More Jesus said to the woman caught in adultery. This is a sign of repentance, a change in mind, a change in lifestyle. Meaning not to live in open sin or that lifestyle. For us to seek the things of God and not the things of the flesh.
![Sin Will & The Will of God Will Poems Printable](https://www.courageouschristianfather.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/SinWill-TheWillofGodWill-printable.jpg)
Where Sin Will Take Us & Where the Will of God Will Take Us. Check out these two poems one is on Sin Will and the other is The Will of God Will. Plus, I include a free printable version.
![Three fingers pointing back at you](https://www.courageouschristianfather.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/3FingersPointingBackAtYou.jpg)
Three fingers pointing back at you. When you point at someone you have more fingers pointing back at you. We need to look at our own sin before we confront others on their sin.
![What Goes In Your Heart Also Goes Out](https://www.courageouschristianfather.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/YourHeart.jpg)
What goes in your heart also comes out: It is very important that we guard what comes in our heart. Filter out the bad stuff. Like what we watch, read and listen to. Places we go and more. Using discernment. Making choices that you stick to now. #bgbg2 #Heart
The official mime video for Man vs God along with a transcript of the video. A poem is by Ryan and Tilmon #ManvsGod (God Vs Man) #GodVsMan
A License to Sin
A License to Sin. A lot of people think that because they are under grace they can do as they please, a license to sin you can call it. As Christians do we have a license to sin and live the way we want or is that license to sin denied? Find out in this blog entry.
![God's Big Eraser](https://www.courageouschristianfather.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/GodsBigEraser.jpg)
God has a big eraser. A Big eraser to wipe that whiteboard clean of the sin. We must come to Him for the cleaning of our whiteboard and turn from our ways.
Freedom is in Christ: Celebrate freedom in Christ and our Great Nation. True freedom is found in Jesus Christ. If Christ set you free, you are free indeed. #Freedom
![Galactic Starveyors Vacation Bible School](https://www.courageouschristianfather.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Galactic-Starveyors-VBS2017.jpg)
Galactic Starveyors Vacation Bible School – Discovering The God of the Universe. Find out more about this VBS. #GalacticStarveyors
![Chain Breaking Savior](https://www.courageouschristianfather.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Chain-Breaking-Savior.jpg)
Chain Breaking Savior – I am glad that Jesus died to break the chains of sin and I am no longer a slave to sin. Zach Williams said it great in his song, Chain Breaker. #ChainBreaker
![Total Depravity](https://www.courageouschristianfather.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Total-Depravity.png)
Total depravity – the doctrine that human nature is thoroughly corrupt and sinful as a result of the Fall. That all men are born evil. This is also known as the dead man theory or we are dead because of our sin and we must be born again or regenerated. That means man can do nothing to bring about his own salvation. #TotalDepravity #TULIP
![The Church Called and Collected Album Cover - Leadership by Flame](https://www.courageouschristianfather.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/The-Church-Called-Collected.jpg)
Conversion by Trip Lee
This is a music video for Conversion by Trip Lee. Trip Lee is part of Lampmode and this song is on the album The Church Called & Collected. #TripLee #Conversion
![How to be unpopular in the secular world](https://www.courageouschristianfather.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Unpopular-secularworld.jpg)
How to be unpopular in the secular world – We are told to be in the world but not be of the world. That means we are to be separated we must be different than the world. We must also remember that the world hated Jesus before they hated us. #Unpopular
![Are you missing out on fellowship](https://www.courageouschristianfather.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Missing-Fellowship.jpg)
Are you missing out on fellowship? Fellowship is the assembly of fellow believers. The Bible tells us to not neglect assembly with fellow believers. #fellowship
![If Everybody Jumped off a Bridge Would You?](https://www.courageouschristianfather.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/EverybodyJumpedOffBridge.jpg)
If Everyone Jumps off the Bridge, Would You? Talk about the old saying if so-and-so would jump off a bridge would you? Doing what the world does and not what the Word of God says. Well everyone is doing, why shouldn’t I! Just because everyone’s doing it doesn’t make it right.
![The LSD of the Bible](https://www.courageouschristianfather.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/LSD-Bible.jpg)
The LSD of the Bible as found in James 1. I am not talking about the drug LSD but three words in the Bible that make the acronym LSD. #LSD #Bible
Are you a good person? Comic featuring Mr. Nice Guy
Are you a good person? A Gospel tract Uses God’s Law to help witness & share your testimonial to other people. This comic is part of the Way of the Master. Now with free downloadable and printable versions! #GoodPersonTest #WayoftheMaster