Scars in Heaven by Casting Crowns – a great song about brokenness and the only scars in Heaven. #scarsinheaven #cadtingcrowns #heaven #loss #christian #ccm #worship #jesus #theonlyscarsinheaven #handsthatholdyounow #grief
Tag: Scars
Jesus Shows His Scars – Jesus shows His Scars, wounds to His disciples to show them He was who He says He is. Those scars are also a reminder of His payment for us. What He did for us on the Cross! #Scars #Easter
Scars by TobyMac – This Weeks Christian Music Monday is by TobyMac and his song Scars. This is a special feature because it is in memory of his son Truett Foster, who recently passed away.
Toby Mac’s Oldest Son, Truett Foster McKeehan, dies at home – his son was 21 years old and an upcoming rapper who has done videos as Truett Foster, truDog, TRU and Shiloh. #Scars #TobyMac #TruettFoster
Scars by I Am They – This is a good song by I am They about the scars of Jesus and being thankful for them.