Christmas / Santa Claus

How I Found Out About Santa Claus

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How I Found Out About Santa Claus — Recently I was talking to group of people about telling kids the truth about Santa Claus and it put in my memory when I was a young kid and when I found out. How I Found Out About Santa Claus If you don’t know, my mom recently passed away and it is interesting how certain things bring back suppressed memories or memories long forgotten. I plan to try to blog about it as part of my grief healing. I overheard or walked in on my mom talking to someone on the phone […]

Christmas / Reindeer / Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer / Santa Claus

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer Almost had a Blue Nose

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Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer Almost had a Blue Nose – Adults and children alike are familiar with the tale of “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.” Although, Rudolph almost had a blue nose and was nearly named Reginald.

Bible / Christmas / Christmas Movies / Christmas Music / Church Signs / Jesus Christ

Merry CHRISTmas

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I want to take this time to wish all my readers and their families a very Merry ChristMas. Check out these Christmas related blog post. Jesus is the reason for this Season. Christmas is about celebrating our Saviors Birth, Jesus Christ. #MerryCHRISTmas #CHRISTmas

Christian / Kentucky

The Polar Express Train Ride aboard the Big South Fork Scenic Railway

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The Polar Express Train Ride aboard the Big South Fork Scenic Railway in Stearns, Kentucky. The Polar Express train ride is a special seasonal shorter train excursion. What sets the Big South Fork Scenic Railway apart is it is the only one that the Polar Express goes through a tunnel. #polarexpress #stearnsky

Christmas / Santa Claus

Unwrapping the Magic: The Macy’s Santa Experience

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Unwrapping the Magic: The Macy’s Santa Experience – ‘Tis the season of joy, wonder, and the timeless tradition of the Macy’s Santa. For generations, Macy’s has been synonymous with the holiday spirit, and at the heart of this festive extravaganza is the iconic figure of Santa Claus. #MacysSanta #SantaClaus

Christmas / Santa Claus

The Coca-Cola Santa: A Festive Icon That Transcends Generations

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The Coca-Cola Santa: A Festive Icon That Transcends Generations – The Christmas holiday season is synonymous with many traditions, and one iconic figure that has become inseparable from Christmas is the Coca-Cola Santa Claus. #santaclaus #cocacola #vocacolasanta

Bible / Christmas / Christmas Movies / God / Heaven / Holidays / Jesus Christ / Reindeer / Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer / Sin

Be Like Rudolph … Let Your Light Shine!

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We must be like Rudolph and shine our light before others. Remember the light of Christ shines the brightest in the darkest areas. #Rudolph

Christmas / Santa Claus

The man behind the beard, St. Nicholas

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Before the modern Santa Claus lived a very real and generous individual named Nicholas.The man behind the beard, St. Nicholas – Every Christmas Eve, children go to bed eagerly anticipating a visit from Santa Claus. This merry gentleman is purported to visit the home of every good girl and boy, delivering gifts and cheer along the way. Who exactly is this man behind the beard? #Christmas #SantaClaus #StNicholas

Christmas / Reindeer / Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer / Santa Claus

Santa’s Reindeer are Female!

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Santa’s Reindeer are female- Did you know that Santa’s reindeer are female? Here is a fact about antlers and who has them or not as a reindeer. Also included are some facts about this animal that adapts to snow well. Besides, Only women would be able to drag a fat man in a red velvet suit all around the world in one night and not get lost!” #Reindeer #Christmas

Christmas / Santa Claus

Santa letter-writing secrets

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Santa letter-writing secrets – Although Santa Claus does a thorough job of making sure children’s treats are delivered on the same night, sometimes he needs assistance with reading and responding to the thousands upon thousands of letters sent to him each year. That is why he often relies on an extensive list of helpers to handle much of his holiday correspondence.

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