Marriage Sunday: Stand up for the Biblical definition of marriage. One Man, One Woman! #StandForMarriage Sunday, April 26 and every day we need to pray for our country, leaders etc for Biblical standards.
Tag: Romans

McFaith video by bluefishTV (youtube) What if having faith was just as easy as ordering at a fast food joint. Is it that easy, can we pick and choose or only one way?

Dial These Numbers In Case of Emergency
Dial These Numbers In Case of Emergency, where to go in the Bible to get Some help with what you may be going through.

Want to know what the ABC’s of Salvation is? Salvation is easy as ABC. Check it out!

My End Stinks maybe it is because we follow our instincts like an animal. Maybe we should follow God’s Word and not our instinct.

God created the union of marriage involving one man and one woman to become one. He didn’t intended for man and man or woman and woman (same-sex marriage).

Proofs in the Pudding
Proofs in the Pudding: A Christian should show fruit that they are a Christian.

How is the Holy Spirit like an alarm system? Find out in this blog post. I discuss how the Holy Spirit is like an alarm system. #alarmsystem #holyspirit

Road Signs of the Bible, Wrong Way and what does the Wrong Way sign have to do with the Bible?

I talk about Karma and why it is unbiblical. #Karma #bgbg2

Ask and Ye Shall Receive – I asked God for wisdom to help me fix a part on my car and with God’s help I was able to fix it.

The Jesus Boat: Witness to Prophecy a movie review and the trailer.

Do not be of this world, be set apart from the World. Be Transformed.

Check out what Evangelist Andrew Green says about the government and making laws, but what he also says about God and Sin. You will want to check this out! You Cannot Stop God!

A billboard in Portland is stirring up controversy. It has the appearance of a Bible, with a Bible verse on one side and a quote on the other.

Baptism is it required or not required to be saved. Plus, I so some proof why or not not. #baptism

This is the sermon from Greg Laurie and my notes from his sermon entitled “What the Devil Doesn’t Want You to Know.”

If God’s Important to you, then why isn’t He in your profiles? Most of all of us are Online. We have Twitter, Facebook or if we are single, dating profiles. We all say He is first, but we don’t make mention of Him in our profiles. How can others tell He is first if we don’t make mention of Him there?

Death happens
Death happens it is part of life. Why must we die? What happens when we die? I write a blog post about death and it being a part of life.

Camouflaged in sin, can sin be camouflaged where you don’t realize that you are sinning? Do you blend into the world or do you stand out? #sin #camouflage