This week’s The Word of the Week by Justin Breeden is about The Importance of Bible Study and should be done in at least three contexts. #WordoftheWeek #WOTW
Tag: Romans

If there was no God than Everything is Permissible because there would be no moral standards to live by and we would not have had the 10 Commandments which is the bases for all laws today.

Are you AWOL (Absent Without Leave) from God? Have you stopped witnessing? Sharing the Gospel? Ran from God? While in the Lord’s Army?

This week’s Word of the Week by Justin Breeden is about the Bible and the unadulterated truth of the Word of God to be proclaimed. #Bible #WordoftheWeek #WOTW

We are are sinful and we all face pressure of some type of testing of our faith from time to time. The pressure can form us from the carbon sinful person to precious diamonds. #diamonds

God Does Not Exist a video with a barber setting of a barber who doesn’t believe god exist and the guy getting his hair illustrates a way to show God exist.

The Tennessee State Parks will kick off 2016 with free Guided First Hikes. What a great way to see the beautiful creation of nature.

Outdoor Truths
This weeks Outdoor Truths with Gary Miller is about looking beyond what we would normally see and find intrigue in minutia. #OutdoorTruths

Vengeance is Mine – Do not repay evil with evil, instead do good to them.

Tennessee State Parks will offer free, guided hikes, Friday, November 27, the day after Thanksgiving. #TNgobblewobble #OptOutside

Check out this Christian Comic, After Eden on praying before using social media. #AfterEden #SocialMedia #Prayer

Sin … Paid Immediately. What if we had to pay for our sin immediately? What would that punishment be? How would that change the way we look at sin? #Sin

When sheep go astray is like a backslidden Christian. We gain wool (or sin) while we are lost that is when the Good Shepherd comes to seek & sheer us.

This is a perspective view of bullying using a crumbled piece of paper. Plus some Bible verses on bullying. #Bullying

Having a hindering walk toward Christ, this could be a person, a sin or even a possession that can cause you to have a hindering walk, that brings you away from God.

We all know the hit show the Walking Dead, but who really is the walking dead? Find out in this blog post on the true Walking Dead. #WalkingDead

See what Emmanuel Baptist Church in Jefferson City, TN has on their church sign about If You’re Not Forgiving. #ChurchSign #EmmanuelBaptist #Forgiveness

This is a music video for Risen Warrior, a great Christian Rock Metal band. This is their song “Reign” This video is done by Righteous Rock TV. #RisenWarrior

Abortion is murder. I talk about how Abortion is wrong and is murder according to God. Plus maybe try Adoption instead. #Abortion #Adoption #Murder

Check out these three acronym for the word Gospel. #Gospel