You may just reach one, but the one you reach may reach thousands! Who’s Your One? Johnny Hunt #WhosYour1
Tag: Quotes
If Satan got kicked out of Heaven for sin, what makes you think you’ll make it to heaven IN sin? Unknown
The worst thing that could happen is that you spend your life trying to outrun God because you think He’s chasing you to collect what you owe – when he’s really chasing you to give you what you can never afford. Kyle Ideman, Southeast Christian Church
The noise of anxiety can move us towards despair and hopelessness but anxiety can also move us to God for peace and dependence.” Kyle Idleman, Southeast Christian Church
Be yourself everyone else is taken. Oscar Wild
God’s wounds cure, sin’s kisses kill. William Gurnall
Church hoppers are like wandering dogs. If they aren’t regularly patted on the head, they will go elsewhere until they are. Steven Lawson
Religion makes us proud of what we have done. The Gospel makes us proud of what Jesus has done. Timothy Keller
Our faith becomes stronger as we express it: A growing faith is a sharing faith. Billy Graham
I may know all the doctrines of the Bible, but unless I know Christ, there is not one of them that can save me. Charles Spurgeon
The law is a hammer to break us, the gospel is God’s oil to cure us. —Stephen Charnock
Instead of ‘Walking in the Spirit’ many Christians today are sleepwalking. It’s time to wake up! Jesus is coming! Greg Laurie
Your obedience doesn’t purchase God’s love for you, but is a sign that God’s love has been placed on you by grace. Paul David Tripp
Your children will go to public school and they will he trained for somewhere around 15,000 hours in ungodly secular thought. And then they’ll go to Sunday School and they’ll color a picture of Noah’s ark. And you think that’s going to stand against the lies that they are being told? Paul Washer
You don’t tell men they’re saved. You tell men how to be saved. God tells them they’re saved. Paul Washer
Christ is the focus Of the entire Bible, and you need to study it to know what He is like. Too often we study the Bible for the sake of theological arguments or to answer questions. Those things are important, but the main point of Bible study is to know more about Christ so that you can be like Him. John MacArthur
Because truth is unpopular does not mean that it should not be proclaimed. Billy Graham
Many are troubled because the gospel interferes with their sin. Charles Spurgeon
Mosaics are made from broken pieces, but they’re still a work of art. And so are you. Unknown
Worship is seeing what God is worth and giving him what he’s worth. Tim Keller