Run To God Not Away From God – We should run to God in the trials and storms and not away from God. Run to Him even when we don’t feeling like running, going the other way or even hiding. Here are four ways to help us run to God instead of running away from God. (Includes Audio Version) #ccf #bgbg2 #podcast
Just Ice or Justice?
After they digging deeper into your own case, did you find out that it is not Just Ice you wanted but you want Justice. What is Justice? Is there anyone that is Just? How can I be made justified?
All Things Green
All Things Color Series: All Things Green. In this post I will talk about the color green and how it is mentioned in the Bible and what the color means. #Green
All Things Yellow
All Things Color Series: All Things Yellow. In this post I will talk about the color yellow and how it is mentioned in the Bible and what the color means. #Yellow
All Things White
All Things Color Series: All Things White. In this post I will talk about the color white and how it is mentioned in the Bible and what the color means. #White
Modalism Taught in the Cave Quest VBS
Talk about modalism being taught in the Cave Quest VBS. I talk about that modalism is. I also talk about that the Bible shows us about the Triune God (Trinity) I talk that and The Hypostatic Union. #Modalism #CaveQuest #Trinity #TriuneGod #HypostaticUnion #bgbg2
Doctrine of Election by Shai Linne
This is the song and lyrics to the song Doctrine of Election by Shai Linne. Shai Linne is a Biblical Rapper and Theological Rapper. Rapping the Truth. #Election #DoctrineofElection #ShaiLinne
Hands on 10 & 2
Hands on 10 & 2 – Road Signs of the Bible series with Bible verses found in the 10th chapter of each book of the Bible and using verse two in that chapter.
The Breakup Sadie RobertsonÂ
Sadie Robertson talks about her breakup with Blake and she talks about Bitterness and talks about preparing for the one God has for you. She even gives a prayer at the end. #TheBreakup #SadieRobertson
The Bible May Soon Be Tennessee’s Official State Book
The Bible May Soon Be Tennessee’s Official State Book. It got its start from a Bean Station rep in February 2015 and just recently was voted by Tennessee Senate.
The Word of the Week – The Importance of Bible Study
This week’s The Word of the Week by Justin Breeden is about The Importance of Bible Study and should be done in at least three contexts. #WordoftheWeek #WOTW
Everything is PermissibleÂ
If there was no God than Everything is Permissible because there would be no moral standards to live by and we would not have had the 10 Commandments which is the bases for all laws today.
The Word of the Week – The Bible
This week’s Word of the Week by Justin Breeden is about the Bible and the unadulterated truth of the Word of God to be proclaimed. #Bible #WordoftheWeek #WOTW
Outdoor Truths
This weeks Outdoor Truths with Gary Miller is about the whole Christmas story is one of giving. It is God giving the world His Son. #OutdoorTruths
Sample the Bible Church Sign
Miracle Baptist Church Church Sign from December 4, 2015. “If you only sample the Bible you will never acquire a taste for it.”
Everyday Life in Prayer
Everyday Life in Prayer: Prayer is the answer. For all things we are to be in prayer. #prayer
David’s written prayers in Psalms can help us keep a Prayer Journal
David showed us a good example of a prayer in Psalm. David’s written prayers in Psalms might help us keep a Prayer Journal. #prayer #prayerjournal
Days of Elijah – Biblical Times Dinner Theater
Review of the production & meal for Days of Elijah at Biblical Times Dinner Theater in Pigeon Forge, TN. #DaysofElijah #BiblicalTimesDinnerTheater
Sermon on Sleeping
You can rest, sleep, knowing that God has your back. David fell asleep amongst great turmoil that was approaching him. We should show the same faith as he did in God.
Bullying, Crumbled paper, perspective view
This is a perspective view of bullying using a crumbled piece of paper. Plus some Bible verses on bullying. #Bullying