Camp Hope of East Tennessee is FREE – Does your child(ren) love camping? How about sending them to a FREE Christian Camp! #CampHope
Tag: Psalm

President Trump’s Inauguration Bible Joins Other Presidential Bibles at Museum of the Bible – The Bible that President Donald J. Trump used to take oath for office has joined other Bibles from former presidents and displayed at the Museum of the Bible. #DonaldTrump

How to completely change your life – Or can we change our lives? Maybe there is someone else that can change our life?

Worry Less Pray More on Church Sign Saturday – This church sign is a good reminder of praying instead of worrying. Riverside Baptist Church in Pineville, KY

Your Cup Over Runs to Help Fill Others. This over flow is not meant for us to keep or hoard, but to share with others. When we share this overflow, we are blessing other people.

What goes in your heart also comes out: It is very important that we guard what comes in our heart. Filter out the bad stuff. Like what we watch, read and listen to. Places we go and more. Using discernment. Making choices that you stick to now. #bgbg2 #Heart

God has a big eraser. A Big eraser to wipe that whiteboard clean of the sin. We must come to Him for the cleaning of our whiteboard and turn from our ways.

No fishing allowed in the Sea of Forgetfulness . Too often we try to go fishing in the Sea of Forgetfulness and bring it back to us.

A quote from Ronald Reagan about us being “If we ever forget” and “One Nation Under God” and being a “Nation Gone Under.” #RonaldRegan

Pro-life means ALL life has dignity, including those on death-row or those wanting to be euthanized. You don’t get to pick and choose. #ProLife #911Babies

Soli Deo Gloria – The doctrine of Glory to God Alone. Often abbreviated as Abbreviated SDG. This is also one of the five solas. #SDG #SoliDeoGloria #GlorytoGodAlone

Heresies in The Shack – The Shack a book by William Paul Young turned into a movie. It is loaded with heretical doctrines that goes against the Word of God. #TheShack

Do you know how many times the word “Eagle” or “Eagles” are used in the Bible? I like Eagles, so I went and found out the answer. Click this blog post to find out the answer. #Eagle

Turning Up the Volume – There are times we need to turn up the volume too. Speaking the Word of God Boldly!This post is turning up the volume. I am not talking about turning up the volume of the World, but boldly speaking the Word of God against the opposition. We must speak loud and proud over the world noise to be heard.

Bible Verses Against Evolution – I guess you can say, this came about when one of the youth in my church asked me for Bible verses to help. This youth is taking evolution in school. Most schools do not teach creation, but only teach evolution theory or even the big bang theory. #Evolution #BigBangTheory #YoungEarth #Creation

Are you a good person? Comic featuring Mr. Nice Guy
Are you a good person? A Gospel tract Uses God’s Law to help witness & share your testimonial to other people. This comic is part of the Way of the Master. Now with free downloadable and printable versions! #GoodPersonTest #WayoftheMaster

See You At The Pole – We Cry Out
See You At The Pole ™ – We Cry Out – Wednesday, September 28, 2016. A generation seeking Him! Psalm 24:3-6 Plus Global Week of Student Prayer. #SYATP #SYATP2016 #WeCryOout # #psalm24threeTHRUsix #aGenerationSeekingHim #iWillPray #LifeBooks

The Shepherds Rod or the Kings Scepter or Both? or None? Find out about the Shepherds Rod and also the Kings Scepter in this blog post. #ShepherdsRod #KingsScepter

Faith without works is dead is where the rubber meets the road. Works and faith stand side-by-side. James and Paul talk about two different angles of faith.

3 Steps to Tearing Down the Walls. I talk about our own walls and even discuss about the Berlin Wall, Walls of Jericho and Walls of the temple with these three steps to tearing down the walls.