Blogging Bingo Printable – Here is a free Bingo Printable for blogggers. This Bignog sheet has blog post ideas. #Bingo #BloggingBingo
Tag: Printables

21 Day Gospel of John Challenge. A challenge to read one chapter per day of the Gospel of John for 21 days. There are 21 chapters in the Gospel of a John. With Free Printable Checklist.

Give away kindness like there’s a hole in your pocket. Bob Goff

Pumpkin Prayer. Here is a creative way to pray through the pumpkin carving process if you choose to carve a pumpkin. Including a free printable version! #PumpkinPrayer

War Room Printable – Letter size and Happy Planner size prayer printables. Print these out and fill them out with any prayer request. If a prayer has been answered, then checkmark it! #WarRoom #PrayerPrintable

Bread Acronym – This is a Christian acronym for the word bread. Plus a free printable version.

Gospel Acronym Printable – Here is a Christian acronym for the word Gospel. I even made it into a free printable too.

Good Night Acronym – I was looking for some night-time acronyms or acrostics and figured I would write one of my own. I also make it into a free printable too. #GoodNight

Good night poem written by Steve Patterson of Courageous Christian Father.
Good Night
Turn off the light
Sleep sound and tight …

5 Ideas to Resurface Your Blog Posts – Want to resurface or re-purpose your blog posts? I share with you five ideas to bring life back to older blog posts.

Where Sin Will Take Us & Where the Will of God Will Take Us. Check out these two poems one is on Sin Will and the other is The Will of God Will. Plus, I include a free printable version.

How I’ve Blogged Daily For Nearly 3 Years I share some of my experiences and tips on how I was able to blog daily for nearly 3 years. #BloggingDaily #Blogging

Sermons We See by Edgar Guest. This poem by him show that the way we live can speak louder than any sermon you may hear. We as Christians must walk the walk that matches our talk, by living what we say, preach and teach. Plus a Printable version.

Replace the word love with Jesus then compare it to your name. Like Love is kind. Jesus is kind. Steve is kind. (in place of Steve, use your name is kind) using 1 Corinthians 13:4-8, the love chapter. I made a free printable version you can download and print too. #Printable #1Corinthians13 #Love

2017 Calendar – This is Courageous Christian Father’s 2017 Printable Calendar. You can save this pdf and print it out on your own printer. #2017

Are you a good person? Comic featuring Mr. Nice Guy
Are you a good person? A Gospel tract Uses God’s Law to help witness & share your testimonial to other people. This comic is part of the Way of the Master. Now with free downloadable and printable versions! #GoodPersonTest #WayoftheMaster

Download your free 2016 calendar compliments of Courageous Christian Father. #2016

Download your printable Grace Cards from the movie Grace Card. A Card to promise to pray, ask for forgiveness , to grant the same and to be their friend. Plus the synopsis and trailer to the movie Grace Card.

Download and print this FREE 2015 Calendar compliments of the Blog Ministry of Courageous Christian Father. #2015 #2015Calendar

My Resolution Army printable sheet. The following is a list of the men I am locking shields with to help me fulfill this Resolution. I can call on them when I feel like I’m falling or failing, and they can call on me.