Man swallowed by whale and lives. The story of Jonah and the Whale, part of my series on Bible Stories of the Sea. #Jonah #BGBG2
Tag: Prayer

What is the number 777. What does it mean? Is it God’s number? See some facts I found. #777

Sin City, what is it? I am not talking about Las Vegas, NV. I am talking about another type of Sin City. #SinCity

Arrested for going to Church: Would you go to church knowing if you arrived you would be arrested on the spot?

It is sad to see the USA Soccer fans disrespecting our American Flag. Dragging it on the ground, writing their city on it in marker, and more. #USA #AmericanFlag

Hen Wallow Falls, part of the Gabes Mountain Trail in Cobsy, TN. A great place to share a Bible story or a Psalm with your youth group or family. #HenWallowFalls

Sinking Souls – Titanic Museum Review
Learning how many people died in the sinking of the Titanic made me wonder about the sinking souls aboard. Were there heroes telling people how to believe on Jesus aboard the Titanic? Is there any Christian aspects? Will the Titanic Museum share this information? Find out in this review. #Titanic #TitanicMuseum #Titanic104

This first Thursday in May is National Day of Prayer. Let’s all join together and pray! #Prayer #NationalDayofPrayer

Heaven is For Real Movie Review
This blog entry contains the review of the movie, Heaven is for Real. Is Colton’s vision of heaven what heaven truly is like or is it just that a vision? #HeavenIsForRealMovie #HeavenIsForReal #Heaven

Check out this blog entry of this church sign says about what to do when you don’t feeling like praying.

Gospel Balloon Release: What is a Gospel Balloon Release and how can you do it? This blog post shares with another way to spared the Gospel through a helium balloon.

Prayers for those involved in Front Street Baptist Church of Statesville, NC bus wreck in Jefferson City, TN on October 2, 2013.

The government may have shut down, but God is always with us.

5 hours
How much time do we give God? Most churches if you go both Sunday morning and evening as well as Wednesday Nights, usually amounts to 5 hours. Do you give Him at least that much per week or less? Maybe more?

I talk about Iron and Man are very similar in this blog post.

thelifebook: How To #4 Video – This is the 4th and finial how to video for the life book. (thelifebook) which is a Gospel of John.

thelifebook: How To #3 Video – This is the 3rd or 4 how to videos for the life book. (thelifebook) which is a Gospel of John.

thelifebook: How To #2 Video – This is the 2nd or 4 how to videos for the life book. (thelifebook) which is a Gospel of John.

thelifebook: The Saturation Begins Handing Out The Life Book
The Saturation begins. the life book movement is starting here in Jefferson City, TN area. What is The Life Book? How can I do a saturation? #TheLifeBook

thelifebook: How To #1 Video – This is the 1st or 4 how to videos for the life book. (thelifebook) which is a Gospel of John.