Criminalization of Christianity seems to be in the start with the arrest of Kim Davis for not issuing same-sex marriage license that went against her faith.
Tag: Prayer
This is my review, notes, the synopsis & the movie trailer of the Christian Movie, War Room about the power of prayer. #WarRoom #WarRoomMovie #prayer
God has given each and every one of us special gifts (talents) to use. We need to use these talents to best of God’s ability in witnessing & to help the church. The church is one body with many parts.
Acts 9:1-4 – Light Shone for Saul
Acts 9:1-4 – Light Shone for Saul. I talk about how Saul saw the light, the light of Christ. He stopped persecuting Christians and became a Christian and then came known as Paul.
AUDACITY – Full Movie
Share: Full video, Ray Comfort & Living Waters movie Audacity. Love Can’t Stay Silent. Talks about the controversy of homosexuality & how to witness to a homosexual. #Audacity #LoveWins
This is the ultimate question. You are held gun point. You are asked to denounce your belief in Christ (deny Christ) and you will not be shot, but if you say you you accept Christ and belong to Him, you will be shot. What would you do? Would you admit you belong to Him or would you deny Him?
Does the Bible say to Spare the Rod and Spoil the child or the other way around? Want to find out? I share with you what the Bible says & where you can find it.
Prayer Journal
A good way to build spiritual based prayer is to write down your prayers. Writing prayers is a form of keeping a Prayer Journal. #PrayerJournal
Uncommon (Movie Review & Trailer)
Movie review & trailer to “Uncommon” “Find your voice” & educate students, teachers, & parents about the fact that students do NOT lose their free speech & freedom of religion when they enter the schoolhouse #Uncommon
Prayers for the fallen Marines &Naval Sailor that were gunned down in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Be Faithful in prayer! #SemperFidelis #SemperFi #USMC #Prayers #Chattanooga #USN
Catching Faith (Review & Trailer)
This is an unbiased review of the movie “Catching Faith”. A family is shunned by their community after their football-player son is caught drinking. +Trailer #CatchingFaith
July 1, 2015 is the half way point of the year. We have half a year left for this year. Make the most of it for the Kingdom of God! #2015
Man can pass a law saying it’s legal for same-sex marriage, but God’s law trumps all laws. We answer to God on judgement day. Woe is a Nation who turns away from God. Plus trailer to Audacity. #Marriage
I talk and discuss if you pray over your ministry?
Heart Wrenching Forgiveness Video
A moving forgiveness moment of a family of one of the victims from Emanuel AME Church shooting in Charleston, SC, to gunman Dylann Roof. #forgiveness #charlestonshooting
Gospel Song “Watch and Pray” by The Carolina Boys Quartet. I believe this is a very good and catchy gospel song. #CarolinaBoys
How to get unplugged: While technology can be convenient, many people find themselves spending more time on their devices than they might prefer.
Check out this Alpha Baptist Church sign on The Great Physician being always on call.
A Church sign, Alpha Baptist, about being a praying parent.
A video I made for Memorial Day at Cherokee Dam and Lake. Find out who I thank for our freedom and who I believe gave the ultimate freedom to us. Plus a mention of Bible Stories of the Sea series.