Pastor Saeed Abedini was freed from Irian prison where he was held as a prisoner for sharing the gospel in Iran. Plus 3 others imprisoned. #SaeedAbedini #Saeed
Tag: Prayer
Do you get people that call or text you and you say I am sorry you have the wrong number. Do you take the time to share Jesus with that wrong number?
Check out the Zarate family children (Young Disciples) of Messiah Muzic doing the song Jesus Save Us. These three young children do a great job with this song Jesus Save us, I know you hear my prayers. This is a Christian Rap song. #MessiahMuzik
2015 Annual Report for Courageous Christian Father. Find out all the stats from 2015. How many blog post published, top 10 blog post, longest streak, top referring sites, posting patterns and much more.
This is the Christmas song by Donna & Carrol Roberson called Do You Have Room For Jesus? Remember there was no room for Him in the Inn. So do you have room for Him? We make room for things we like. Have you made room for Him? I also share the lyrics to this song too.
One school in Paintville Kentucky in the Johnson County School system is cutting any Bible verses from the play, “A Charlie Brown Christmas”. #CharlieBrownChristmas #Paintville #WRCastleElementary
I blog about having a War Room, Prayer Room, Prayer Wall or Prayer Journal. We can do our fighting in prayer, a communication with God, give Him all our cares and worries. #WarRoom #PrayerRoom #PrayerWall #PrayerJournal
In my search for medical answers, I had a sleep study that showed I had a form of sleep apena. I discuss about the sleep apnea diagnosis, my latest nasal surgery and even the quality level service of Resp-I-Care who is the one that my CPAP machine and equipment is through.
If I was dumped because of my commitment to abstinence that is God’s way of saying I have someone better to come along that will not compromise your beliefs. I want to say Tim Tebow, God has someone better in store for you. #TimTebow #TrueLoveWaits #Abstinence
My nasal surgery went well from Friday, November 20, 2015. I am in Post Op right now. I wanted to share an update with everyone. The staff was very friendly
Priant Pour Paris is french for Prayers for Paris after the Paris Shootings and Bombings that has terrorized the nation of France. #PrayforParis #ParisAttacks #Paris
Check out this Christian Comic, After Eden on praying before using social media. #AfterEden #SocialMedia #Prayer
Adrenaline a faith-based movie, It’s not what you drive, it’s what drives you. (Trailer & Review) What is your purpose? #Adrenaline #AdrenalineMovie
Prayers for Oregon! I will always blog for God and Jesus to promote the Gospel. My name is Steve Patterson and Yes I am A Christian.#YesIAmAChristian
September 26: A Prayer Vigil is held to pray for Pastor Saeed & others who have been imprisoned for sharing Christian faith. #savesaeed #prayervigil
Song by Saving Darkness, a South Carolina based Christian Rock band and their new song Asking Mercy. #AskingMercy #SavingDarkness
Everyday Life in Prayer
Everyday Life in Prayer: Prayer is the answer. For all things we are to be in prayer. #prayer
Find out what this church has on its church sign to say what is the best vitamin for a Christian. #Vitamin #ChurchSigns
A Knox County School in Tennessee is using passages from the Quran for a homework assignment for the seventh grade children. #Quran
Kim Davis was released from jail after spending nearly a week in jail.She had help from Mike Huckabee, who’s running for President and Mathew D. Straver of Liberty Counsel. #KimDavis #IAmWithKim #MikeHuckabee #LiberyCounsel