Cap’n ChristianBlogR says take the family out for some free fish or chicken & free donuts! Share some Bible Stories of the Sea on International Talk Like A Pirate Day. #ITLAPD20124 #TalkLikeAPirateDay #PirateDay #TalkLikeAPirateDay #LJPirateDay #KKPirateDay #ITLAPD #Pirate
Tag: Pirate

A Ship Rose Up Out of the Deep Sea a tail about a ship that arose out of the deep sea.

VOTD January 8 – “for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Matthew 6:21 NASB

VOTD December 29 – “But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal;” Matthew 6:20 NASB

Bible Stories of the Sea
Set sail and discover some Bible stories of the sea like a family survives the great flood, a man swallowed by a whale and lives, hundreds shipwrecked, sea turned to blood, the parted waters and more. #BibleStoriesOfTheSea

Pirate Themed Trunk or Treat -The Pirate Chest and Pirate Ring Toss Game were a success for Trunk or Treat.

Pirate Ring Toss Game – This is a game I am putting up along with my pirate theme trunk-or-treat for the children to have a little fun. #PirateRingToss

Pirate Chest for Trunk-or-Treats – For trunk-or-treats my wife and I dress up like a pirates. I got me this chest to use as my pirate chest and fill it full of booty (trinks, toys, etc.) to let the children pick some items out of. #PirateChest

International Talk Like A Pirate Day: Pirate Pancakes.

Hollywood Wax Museum: Come meet the stars, come pose and get your pictures taken with the stars, stars made of wax that is. #hollywoodwaxmuseum

My daughter and I dress up like cows for Cow Appreciation Day. We visit Chick-fil-A and get our free meal! I even share our picture. #CowAppreciationDay

Road Side Mascots, Chick-fil-A cow, to Zaxby’s chicken, even Lady Liberty of Liberty Tax. Next time you pass a road side mascot, beep at them or stop and talk to them. Offer them some kind of encouragement. #encouragement.

Dads get your FREE FISH! Find out where & when! Also 3 different Bible topics you can share while eating your free fish with family. #free #fish #freefish