I talk about the True Love Waits, abstinence purity covenant that you make before God. I talk about what True Love Waits, why do it. I talk about adultery. I even mention that I am committed myself to True Love Waits and I am 39 years old. I also challenge others to commit too.
Tag: Piedmont Baptist Church

Proofs in the Pudding
Proofs in the Pudding: A Christian should show fruit that they are a Christian.

I share about my third experience with Winter Jam. #WinterJam

No Standing
I take the No Standing Road Sign and talk about it in this episode of Road Signs of the Bible and share how No Standing means in the Bible.

“Taste the Farm Fresh Difference” Martin Farm Beef sells fresh USDA beef and pork right here in the Piedmont area of Dandridge, TN of Jefferson County Tennessee.

I blogged about my second experience to Xtreme Winter in Gatlinburg, TN. Read about my experience here. #XtremeWinter

This is a church sign from Piedmont Baptist in Dandridge, TN. It is a fitting church sign for Thanksgiving. Check it out!

Today is day 8 of the 30 days of Thanksgiving and today I want to share that I am thankful for my pastor, Bob Neal. #thanksgiving

A loving, caring and family friendly church. A Church where you feel welcome and free to worship God. A Church where the full Bible is preached and taught.

I got to go do a blog review and also be with my youth at The Corn Maze & Pumpkin Patch at Oakes Farm this past Saturday, October 18, 2014. I have been to a few corn mazes, last year, I believe was my first time going to a corn maze. From the corn mazes that I have been to, I think this is the biggest one! If I am not mistaking this may be the biggest corn maze in the East Tennessee area. They have all kinds of activities,

Block Party at Piedmont Baptist Church in Dandridge, TN! Free cotton candy, popcorn, snow cones, & hot dogs and inflatables! #BlockParty

Are you a back row baptist? Do you sit in the back of the church? Do you sit in the same pew each service? I wrote this to give you some food for thought.

Hen Wallow Falls, part of the Gabes Mountain Trail in Cobsy, TN. A great place to share a Bible story or a Psalm with your youth group or family. #HenWallowFalls

I talk about a place to take your youth, family, friends, etc. The Virginia Creeper Trail. You can ride down this trail on a bike! #VACreeperTrail

Agency D3, is a totally new vacation bible school (VBS) experience: discover, decide, & defend the truth about who Jesus at Piedmont Baptist Church. #apologetics #VBS #AgencyD3

Finding Favour live in concert at the 2014 Unity Festival in White Pine, TN. Presented by Tree Ministry. Free event with food, games & fellowship, Plus the Muscle Car Ministry! #UnityFestival #FindingFavour

I take a poplar gospel tract or witnessing method and redesign it and get it professionally printed. The Are You A Good Person Test. #GoodPersonTest

Pastor, Bob Neal of Piedmont Baptist, was preaching he said a quote that stuck with me. Praise is Faith Turned Inside Out! #Faith #Praise

Another great way to share a testimony is through cardboard testimonies. Our youth group recently got to do a cardboard testimony. I got to help do the cardboard testimony. Check out what mine said that day. #Coardboardtestimonies

A folded piece of paper, is exactly what this new woman at my church handed me. I do not know who she is, nor does she know who I am. But she gave me this folded piece of paper with two Bible verses on them. Read this blog post to find out what those verses were and what these verses mean to me and how they seem to relate to what is going on with me right now. #Bible #Ruth #Psalm