May 22, 2016 Piedmont Baptist Church located in Dandridge, TN will celebrate it’s 125th Anniversary. Everyone is welcome to come attend and celebrate with us. #PiedmontBaptistChurch
Tag: Piedmont Baptist Church

I am a graphic designer! I want to share with you about being a graphic designer. I have been in this field most of my whole life. I started out in graphic design in high school and continued in college in the study.

IMVO (It’s My Very Own) Bags of Love, is a faith-based non-profit organization. IMVO works along with the child protective services and they help give a bag of love with stuff for the children that get removed from where there parents were manufacturing drugs in the home. #IMVO #BagsofLove

The Word of the Week by Justin Breeden. Each week Breeden will feature the unadulterated truth of the Word of God to be proclaimed. This is the introductory article.

I blog about my first Strength to Stand Experience, which is similar to Xtreme Winter but different. Find out what I had to say about this conference. #STSDontLookBack #StrengthtoStand #XtremeWinter

David showed us a good example of a prayer in Psalm. David’s written prayers in Psalms might help us keep a Prayer Journal. #prayer #prayerjournal

Bold for Christ
I talk about having boldness to share Jesus. Being Bold for Christ.

You can rest, sleep, knowing that God has your back. David fell asleep amongst great turmoil that was approaching him. We should show the same faith as he did in God.

God has given each and every one of us special gifts (talents) to use. We need to use these talents to best of God’s ability in witnessing & to help the church. The church is one body with many parts.

We need to be still and not panic. Give it to God, he can handle it and see us through.

Acts 9:1-4 – Light Shone for Saul
Acts 9:1-4 – Light Shone for Saul. I talk about how Saul saw the light, the light of Christ. He stopped persecuting Christians and became a Christian and then came known as Paul.

Prayer Journal
A good way to build spiritual based prayer is to write down your prayers. Writing prayers is a form of keeping a Prayer Journal. #PrayerJournal

In this blog post, I share about making your own homemade door hanger like I did for Courageous Christian Father and my church. #DoorHanger

D-A-S-H Ministry: Drugs, Alcohol, Set free Heaven bound Ministry. We are a detox ministry that tells people that only Jesus can break the chains of addiction. #Dash

Be Loud, Be Proud, Be Bold about your Witness!
Be Loud, Be Proud, Be Bold about your Witness! Take some courage and not be the silent disciple, speak up and share your faith. That that bright light in the dark world.

A Mirror shows us what is wrong, just like our spiritual mirror does the same thing.

Journey off the Map
You are invited to Piedmont Baptist Church in Dandridge, TN for a Journey off the Map during Vacation Bible School (VBS).

Worship: Take our Worldly Eyes off the World and onto Jesus
Worship: Take our Worldly Eyes off the World and onto Jesus

The Great Instruction – The Great Commission
The Great Instruction – The Great Commission – An instruction to Go! This blog post is about going out and telling others about Christ.

Red Alert! Raise your Shields!
Shield of Faith. Having the shield of faith. You have Faith in God. You trust in God and He will take care of you. He will take away all fire and evil by having the shield of faith. Red Alert! Raise your shields. #bgbg2