October 31 is also Reformation Day, Martin Luther wrote The 95 Thesis on this day 500 years ago and nailed it to the Castle Church door in Wittenburg in Germany. I share about Reformation Day and even the full length movie of I Will Not Recant. #ReformationDay #95Thesis #MartinLuther #IWillNotRecant
Tag: Pastor
October is Pastor Appreciation Month. A month set aside of the year to show appreciation to your pastor. Usually the second Sunday of October is Pastor Appreciation Day. Check out this list of 20 Ways To Show Appreciation for your Pastor as part of Pastor Appreciation for any time. Includes Free printable version! #PastorAppreciationMonth #PastorAppreciation
October is pastor appreciation month throughout the Southern Baptist Churches. Help show your support for your pastor. #PastorAppreciation #PastorAppreciationMonth #PastorAppreciationDay
Dr. King a look at his life and his influence including some of his ministry and education, a blog post to honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. #MLKDay #MLKDay2020 #MartinLutherKingDay
This is a video segment from A Charlie Brown Christmas. Charlie Brown asked if anyone can tell him what Christmas is really about and Linus gives it to him real. Linus drops his security blanket too! He breaks out scripture to explain about Jesus’s birth as found in the Gospel of Luke Chapter 2 #CharlieBrown #CharlieBrownChristmas #Linus #ChristmasStory
John Harper, Baptist Pastor, Hero aboard Titanic
John Harper was a baptist pastor & a hero aboard the Titanic, a ship they said wouldn’t sink. Find out why he is a hero! #Titanic #Titanic104 #JohnHarper #LastTitanicHero
A church that wants a better pastor can get one by praying for him – Prayer works and we ought to be praying for the pastor or pastors at our church.
Hot Tea Month – Do you enjoy drinking Hot Tea? Check out these interesting tea facts and find out when Hot Tea month is! #HotTea #HotTeaMonth
Do you know where the Poinsettia came from that we use for Christmas and in churches during Christmas? This may give you some insight on that. #Poinsettia #PoinsettiaLedgend #LedgendofthePoinsettia
A religious story told to me about keeping your fork. It was told to me in my Walk to Emmaus. “The Best is Yet to Come” – Keep Your Fork – Includes Free Printable Version! #KeepYourFork
Long sermon – Have you ever been to a long sermon? In America, we think the 20-30 minutes that our pastor preaches can be long. But, there has been longer sermons. What about the longest sermon recorded?
The Pastor Stole our Spoon – Find out the story of a family who said the pastor stole our spoon. Find out if he stole it or not.
Pastor’s Study Printable – Here is a free printable on the study of a pastor. This would be great to print out and give to to your pastor.
Pastors Name on the Church Sign – Should the pastors name be on the church sign? This weeks Church Sign Saturday takes a little different turn. I talk about putting the name of your pastor on your church sign.
October is Pastor Appreciation month. I would like to take this time to appreciate Pastor Justin Breeden. A Great friend and mentor in the Word of God. #PastorAppreciation #JustinBreeden
October is Pastor appreciation month. I would like to show the appreciation of a pastor at a church I use to be at, Bob Neal of Piedmont Baptist Church in Dandridge, TN. #BobNeal #PastorAppreciation
Pastors Away: You ever hear the saying when BLANK is away the mice will play. We can say BLANK = Pastor, Boss, Parent, Teacher, etc. I talk about when the pastor is away the mice will play.
Expository Preaching by Shai Linne with Lryics. He gave pastors the call to ministry found in 2 Timothy 4:1-2 #ExpositoryPreaching #ShaiLinne
Leadership by Flame – We have Elders, we have Deacon & congregational leadership. Jesus is the head of the whole thing! The Church: Called and Collected”. This song is a Lampmode recording. #Flame #Leadership #Lampmode
The Word of the Week by Justin Breeden, unadulterated truth of the Word of God to be proclaimed, this week is on church discipline. #WordoftheWeek #WOTW #ChurchDiscipline