What goes in your heart also comes out: It is very important that we guard what comes in our heart. Filter out the bad stuff. Like what we watch, read and listen to. Places we go and more. Using discernment. Making choices that you stick to now. #bgbg2 #Heart
Tag: Matthew
Don’t follow your heart! We always here people say just follow your heart, but the Bible tells us otherwise! #FollowYourHeart #DontFollowYourHeart #Heart
Ask Not What God Can Do For You, Ask God What You Can Do For Him. We have heard this said and applied to our country, but we can also say the same for God too.
Relationships Acronym. This is an acrostic acronym for the word relationships. It is a Christian one too.
The Solar Eclipse of 2017. A rare occurrence where the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth, and the Moon fully or partially blocks the Sun. This will make it appear to be dark outside when it is day time. I even talk about a solar eclipse in the Bible. #SolarEclipse #SolarEclipse2017
A License to Sin
A License to Sin. A lot of people think that because they are under grace they can do as they please, a license to sin you can call it. As Christians do we have a license to sin and live the way we want or is that license to sin denied? Find out in this blog entry.
A true friend will bring you closer to God and not away. A true friend will know that God is the most important part of anyone’s life.
Everyone thinks they are a graphic designer. They will send you designs and wonder why it didn’t print right. The same can go that everyone says they are a Christian. One day they will wonder why they heard, “Depart me I never knew you!”.
A quote from Ronald Reagan about us being “If we ever forget” and “One Nation Under God” and being a “Nation Gone Under.” #RonaldRegan
If I could Travel Anywhere in the World where would I go and why? I talk about the two countries that I would most like to travel to and why. #5TruthorDare #Australia #France
Galactic Starveyors Vacation Bible School – Discovering The God of the Universe. Find out more about this VBS. #GalacticStarveyors
Limited atonement – God has a purpose for the death of Christ and that was to save God’s chosen people Represented by the third letter of the acronym TULIP in the Doctrines of Grace. #LimitedAtonement #TULIP
Sola Scriptura the doctrine of Scriptures Alone. This doctrine states that The Bible is the sole final authority! #SolaScriptura #ScriptureAlone
No Armor in the Back in the Armor of God – Even the Roman Soldiers didn’t have armor in the back. They were trained and knew you couldn’t flee or retreat. You must continue and press forward in the battle no matter the cost. #ArmorofGod #NoArmorintheBack
Heresies in The Shack – The Shack a book by William Paul Young turned into a movie. It is loaded with heretical doctrines that goes against the Word of God. #TheShack
Pain Taking Savior – Jesus is the Great Physician and can offer healing! I think Zach Williams said it great in his song, Chain Breaker. #PainTakingSavior #ChainBreaker #PainTaker
Leadership by Flame – We have Elders, we have Deacon & congregational leadership. Jesus is the head of the whole thing! The Church: Called and Collected”. This song is a Lampmode recording. #Flame #Leadership #Lampmode
Deniable Change Slow But Sure is this weeks Outdoor Truths by Gary Miller about the day that Jesus will return. Much like the skepticism of climate change, many people ignore these warnings and continue as if things will go on as it is forever. #OutdoorTruths #GaryMiller
Do you know how many times the word “Eagle” or “Eagles” are used in the Bible? I like Eagles, so I went and found out the answer. Click this blog post to find out the answer. #Eagle
Sermons We See by Edgar Guest. This poem by him show that the way we live can speak louder than any sermon you may hear. We as Christians must walk the walk that matches our talk, by living what we say, preach and teach. Plus a Printable version.