Catching Faith DVD Cover

This is an unbiased review of the movie “Catching Faith”. A family is shunned by their community after their football-player son is caught drinking. +Trailer #CatchingFaith

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God's Word graphic

Man can pass a law saying it’s legal for same-sex marriage, but God’s law trumps all laws. We answer to God on judgement day. Woe is a Nation who turns away from God. Plus trailer to Audacity. #Marriage

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I talk about the True Love Waits, abstinence purity covenant that you make before God. I talk about what True Love Waits, why do it. I talk about adultery. I even mention that I am committed myself to True Love Waits and I am 39 years old. I also challenge others to commit too.

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The Encounter

What if you had an encounter, an encounter with an omniscient person that knows everything about you. What if you come to find out it is Jesus, would you accept or Reject Him? That is where The Encounter, The Encounter: Paradise Lost and The Encounter TV Series comes along to show just these types of encounters. #TheEncounter

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