VOTD May 27, 2019 – “Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends.” JOHN 15:13 (Memorial Day)
Tag: John

Roar VBS – This VBS theme for 2019 is from Group. This theme says Life is Wild. God is Good. Find out more about these VBS theme. #RoarVBS (Life is wild. God is good.)

Love One Another – National Day of Prayer the 2019. The theme comes from the words of Jesus in John 13:34, “Love one another. Just as I have loved you.” #LoveOneAnother #DayofPrayer

Who do you think is a hero or a superhero? How about this, who do you think is an ultimate superhero? Can you name anyone? I can name one …
Find out what Characteristics make a superhero and what one Characteristic makes an ultimate superhero.

Waiting in line: We will wait in a line for movies, grocery stores, retail stores, sporting events and more. Would we wait in a line for church if we had to?

Christianophobia is the fear Christians or the hatred of Christians or Christianity. #Christianophobia

The Pocket Testament League: Gospel of John’s a site that you can get 30 free Gospel of John’s a month. A great way to share God’s word and start witnessing or planting seeds to other people. Remember we are all called to share the Gospel, no one is an excluded, we ALL must tell others about Christ.

The 5 tract challenge, pretty simple concept. But also may be challenging. Give out 5 gospel tracts per day for 30 days.

the life book movement saturating the schools with the gospel
Are you a youth leader, minister or director or even pastor of church? Would you like to get your youth involved in handing out the Gospel in their school and to their friends/peers? #thelifebook #lifebook #ccf #SYATP #SeeYouAtThePole #WECryOut

7 Miracles of Jesus Christ as recorded by the Gospel of John – The Gospel of John records seven miracles that Jesus Christ performed.

Is Church Security Biblical? Is it Biblical to have Church Security and Safety teams? Are we suppose to defend the church? Let’s find out!

Be Sheep Not Goats! Jesus will separate the sheep and the goats on the final judgement. This is the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats where the Son of Man will judge the Nations. #Sheep #Goats #Quote

Light Exposes – when we shed light on things we are exposing things. When we shed the light of Christ we expose the things of Christ to others. Light Exposes In this blog ministry, I often talk about being a light or how light exposes. One of these blog post is one using Rudolph as an example of exposing light. The dark the room, situation, etc. is when a light is shined, the brighter it will get as the darker the area is. That is why Christ is the light.

Billy Graham’s Grave Marker – Billy Graham’s grave marker will be made of a special stone and will feature John 14:6. He will be laid to rest next to his wife, Ruth Bell Graham. Find out what else will be on his gravestone. #BillyGraham

Don’t criticize Peter for sinking in the water. Remember the other disciples stayed on the boat! Will you step out for Jesus? Or will you stay in the boat?

Red sun at night, sailors delight – Red sun in the morn, sailors be warned. I am sure most people especially those in the Navy has heard this saying. Did you know it came from the Bible? #RedSun

Veterans Overlook on Clinch Mountain. Not much is online about this gem of a view located in Grainger County, TN. This site pays honor to our veterans and has great views of Bean Station, Morristown, Cherokee Lake, Great Smoky Mountains and Cherokee National Forest. #VeteransOverlook #ClinchMountain

Without a vision the people will perish. If we don’t have a vision for the lost and see lost folk found, we don’t have a vision. A lack of a vision will cause people to perish.

Does Jesus Know You Vs Do You Know Jesus. I saw a woman in Morristown, TN with a cross and a sign saying Does Jesus Know You? I thought about that for a moment and came back quickly with, the sign should read Do You Know Jesus? So what is the difference between the sign she has and the sign I would have?

Go and Sin No More Jesus said to the woman caught in adultery. This is a sign of repentance, a change in mind, a change in lifestyle. Meaning not to live in open sin or that lifestyle. For us to seek the things of God and not the things of the flesh.