Steve Patterson's Cardboard Testimony

Another great way to share a testimony is through cardboard testimonies. Our youth group recently got to do a cardboard testimony. I got to help do the cardboard testimony. Check out what mine said that day. #Coardboardtestimonies

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My theory of this is if God is not real then why is the world trying to taking Him out of things. If He is not real then there is not need for others to …

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The Hand of God, claimed to be a pareidolia, but could it really be the Hand of God? The Hand of God formed as a supernova, a star explosion, to form what looks like a hand. NASA named it “The Hand of God” So what do you think?

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Xtreme Winter 2013

My first experience at Xtreme Winter in Gatlinburg, TN. An Xtreme experience with Christian Music and Christian speakers. Read my blog entry to find out how my experience went. #XtremeWinter

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How much time do we give God? Most churches if you go both Sunday morning and evening as well as Wednesday Nights, usually amounts to 5 hours. Do you give Him at least that much per week or less? Maybe more?

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