The ABC’s of Praying for Students. It goes from A to Z and gives a Bible reference with each word of the alphabet. From Attitude to Zeal. Back to School #bgbg2 #PrayingForStudents #BacktoSchool #ABCsPrayingForStudents
Tag: James
VOTD May 25, 2019 – “Then when lust has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and when sin is accomplished, it brings forth death.”
Bible Basics (formally The Word of the Week) by Justin Breeden is on The Importance of the Resurrection of Christ.The resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead is one of the basic #BibleBasics #Easter #Resurrection
President Trump’s Inauguration Bible Joins Other Presidential Bibles at Museum of the Bible – The Bible that President Donald J. Trump used to take oath for office has joined other Bibles from former presidents and displayed at the Museum of the Bible. #DonaldTrump
Hot Tea Christianity – As Christians we often be like a bag of tea. We never know what we are going to be like until we are put into hot water. Can you endure and become like a good cup of hot tea or will you be unable to take the heat and become a weak cup of hot tea? #HotTea #HotTeaMonth #HotTeaChristianaity
devil is knocking on your front door … Check out what this church sign says about the devil knocking on your door. #ChurchSigns
Sola fide (“by faith alone”). This doctrine is based on the justification of faith and faith alone. #SolaFide #FaithAlone
No Armor in the Back in the Armor of God – Even the Roman Soldiers didn’t have armor in the back. They were trained and knew you couldn’t flee or retreat. You must continue and press forward in the battle no matter the cost. #ArmorofGod #NoArmorintheBack
Heresies in The Shack – The Shack a book by William Paul Young turned into a movie. It is loaded with heretical doctrines that goes against the Word of God. #TheShack
Total depravity – the doctrine that human nature is thoroughly corrupt and sinful as a result of the Fall. That all men are born evil. This is also known as the dead man theory or we are dead because of our sin and we must be born again or regenerated. That means man can do nothing to bring about his own salvation. #TotalDepravity #TULIP
Sermons We See by Edgar Guest. This poem by him show that the way we live can speak louder than any sermon you may hear. We as Christians must walk the walk that matches our talk, by living what we say, preach and teach. Plus a Printable version.
The LSD of the Bible as found in James 1. I am not talking about the drug LSD but three words in the Bible that make the acronym LSD. #LSD #Bible
Are you a good person? Comic featuring Mr. Nice Guy
Are you a good person? A Gospel tract Uses God’s Law to help witness & share your testimonial to other people. This comic is part of the Way of the Master. Now with free downloadable and printable versions! #GoodPersonTest #WayoftheMaster
Faith without works is dead is where the rubber meets the road. Works and faith stand side-by-side. James and Paul talk about two different angles of faith.
Talk about modalism being taught in the Cave Quest VBS. I talk about that modalism is. I also talk about that the Bible shows us about the Triune God (Trinity) I talk that and The Hypostatic Union. #Modalism #CaveQuest #Trinity #TriuneGod #HypostaticUnion #bgbg2
Hands on 10 & 2 – Road Signs of the Bible series with Bible verses found in the 10th chapter of each book of the Bible and using verse two in that chapter.
We are are sinful and we all face pressure of some type of testing of our faith from time to time. The pressure can form us from the carbon sinful person to precious diamonds. #diamonds
We as Christians should stop saying it is Mother Nature who controls the weather as if she was a god. It is Father God who controls weather! #MotherNature #Weather #God
Check out this Christian Comic, After Eden on praying before using social media. #AfterEden #SocialMedia #Prayer
Everyday Life in Prayer
Everyday Life in Prayer: Prayer is the answer. For all things we are to be in prayer. #prayer