Work of Regeneration Quote – Here is a quote from Charles Spurgeon on Regeneration, Conversion, Sanctification, Faith, Free Will, Irresistible Grace / Efficacious Grace.
TULIP Acronym 5 Points of Reformed Theology
TULIP Acronym 5 Points of Reformed Theology – These are the doctrines of grace. Total Depravity, Unconditional Election, Limited Atonement, Irresistible Grace and Perseverance of the Saints. #TULIP #ReformedTheology #DoctrinesofGrace
Irresistible Grace or Efficacious Grace
Blog post on Irresistible Grace based on Christian theology that the saving grace of God is applied to those he draws or the elect, which differs from Prevenient Grace. #IrresistibleGrace #PrevenientGrace #EfficaciousGrace #Grace