We all have heard of Leap Year Day, where we have an extra day each year. But have you ever heard of Leap Second Day? #LeapSecond Plus Time in the Bible.
Tag: Holidays

CHeck out this video aboutThe Messy Life of A Mom a video to honor mothers by Igniter Media. Happy Mother’s Day! #MothersDay

Tips to make-your-own Christmas Ornaments. This year creating homemade ornaments can be a crafty project that helps families make new Christmas memories.

Holidays means Holy Days. During the Christmas Winter Holiday season you will often hear Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas. #HappyHolidays #HolyDays

Save Energy With Christmas Decorations – Tips to save energy this Christmas season with Christmas Decorations. The Christmas season allows people to transform their homes into wonderlands of lights, garlands and poinsettias. Each family has its own Christmas traditions, and decorations are a part of many of those traditions. #Christmas

Inner Light, a cartoon by Mike Waters from A Joyful ‘toon. Check out what one Jack-o-lanterns says to another about how bright he is and his response on who gave him his light. #InnerLight #ChristianComic #Pumpkin

Grandparents Day, mamaw, papaw, grand father, grand mother, grand dad, grand mom, etc. what is it? When is it? Find out here! #GrandParentsDay

Serendipity Tracting – leaving gospel tracts in a random happy place for others to find. Plus I share about Serendipity Day. #SerendipityTracting #SerendipityDay

Smokey Bear National Forest Mascot has a birthday, find out when, and how old he is. Remember only you can prevent forest fires. #SmokeytheBear

(WWW) World Wide Web Anniversary. The World Wide Web was founded in 1990. I wonder what the future holds for the information superhighway . #www #wwwaniverary

National Zoo Keepers Week pays tribute to the many men and women who work at a zoo to care for the animals. #ZooKeepersWeek I also share about a couple of zoo keepers in the Bible.

National Ice Cream Day, a great day to take the family and eat some ice cream, plus a great way to witness or hand out gospel tracts. Find out when it is and what it is. #NationalIceCreamDay

National Hot Dog Day, a day where to take the family and eat hot dogs. Plus places having free or discounted hot dog prices on this day too! #NationalHotDogDay #HotDogs

National Jerky Day: Other than the Word of God, I Believe i Could live off Beef Jerky. I thank God for allowing us to eat meat and that first person to make jerky. #NationalJerkyDay #JerkyDay

National Free Hot Fudge Cake Day. Find out where you can land a slice of free hot fudge cake with no additional purchase necessary. #HotFudgeCakeDay

This weeks Outdoor Truths with Gary Miller is about memory they have will include you, dad, Father’s Day. #FathersDay #OutDoorTruths #GaryMiller

Square Root Day – What is square root day? When is square root day? How often does this day occur? A day for you math geniuses. #SquareRootDay

Food servers are among some of the hardest working employees in the food service industry, but sometimes their efforts go unrecognized. Here are some tips can often help show the love of God to your servers.

Unsure what to write in your blog? Why not use a blogging prompt and write about that on your blog. #BloggingPrompt
Do you do New Years Resolutions?

Unsure what to write in your blog? Why not use a blogging prompt and write about that on your blog. #BloggingPrompt
What is your favorite Christmas Recipe?