God’s Word: Read It! Study It! Memorize It! We as Christians must do all we can do to read, study and memorize the Word of God.
Tag: Hebrews

Creative grounding methods. When it seems taking items away, time outs or other punishments don’t seem to work. Plus Bible verses on correction.

McFaith video by bluefishTV (youtube) What if having faith was just as easy as ordering at a fast food joint. Is it that easy, can we pick and choose or only one way?

I discuss the root of all evil is the love of money. This is found within the Bible. #bgbg2

I talk about the Christian Rock Band Skillet. #Skillet

Slow Church Ahead
Road Signs of the Bible: Slow Church Ahead. What does this sign have to do with the Bible. Find out here!

Word of God being sharper than any two-edged sword.

Ripley’s Moving Theater 5D: Come experience a 3D interactive movie, come feel like you are part of the experience. #5D #MotionTheater

Biblical Times Dinner Theater Review
I do a review of Biblical Times Dinner in Pigeon Forge. Is the show good? How’s the food? I share my thoughts on this attraction. #Bible #PigeonForge #Dinner

This blog post is about Church hopping, church shopping, church floating, however you want to call it. Check out this take of it. A couple of friends share their take as well.

I found a video from Nick Hall who gave a sermon on Reset, Recharge. Putting worldly things behind and put God first. Put your eyes on Jesus and reflect your light! (From WinterJam 2013 tour)

Working on Bachelors of Theology at Andersonville Theological Seminary
I am starting my Bachelors of Theology at Andersonville Theological Seminary. Learn more about what I am studying and track my progress too. #theology

Books of the New Testament New testament bookmark. This bookmark shows 18 of the 27 New Testament. (Gospels, History & Paul’s Letters)

Peace part of the fruit of the spirit. Blog series on the Fruit of the Spirit. Take one part, per blog entry. This blog entry is on Peace. #peace #fruitofthespirit
In this blog entry, I share how I feel my blog (A Blog of a Courageous Father) encourages me.
The Complete Trustworthiness of the Bible. God reveals his truth in the Bible. God also cannot lie. The Word of God is perfect.
Helpful Hideaways: The perfect Hideaways can be found within the Bible. Here are some verses that show that. (part 3 of 3)