Christian / Prayer / See You At The Pole

See You at the Pole 2022

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See You at the Pole 2022 – “AFLAME” (from Romans 12:11-12) is the theme for See You at the Pole™ 2022, which is all about students praying at their schools. The event is planned for Wednesday, September 28, at schools around the world. #syatp #aflame #seeyouatthepole #bgbg2

Bible / Christian / Educational / Flags / God / Jesus Christ / Prayer / Repent / See You At The Pole / The Life Book / Tracts

See You At The Pole – We Cry Out

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See You At The Pole ™ – We Cry Out – Wednesday, September 28, 2016. A generation seeking Him! Psalm 24:3-6 Plus Global Week of Student Prayer. #SYATP #SYATP2016 #WeCryOout # #psalm24threeTHRUsix #aGenerationSeekingHim #iWillPray #LifeBooks

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