March DADness, usually in March you hear about the March Madness® that goes around basketball season wraps up, but how about a dadness movement that will get dads involved! That’s what March DADness is about. #MarchDADness #MarchMadness #DADness
Tag: Family

God is not a reflection of your father: He is the perfection of every father. Louie Gigilo, Not Forsaken

The Penny Date, a great way to take out your spouse, family, one you are dating or maybe take the youth group out and do an event or go out witnessing. #PennyDate

National Spouses Day

Tips to make-your-own Christmas Ornaments. This year creating homemade ornaments can be a crafty project that helps families make new Christmas memories.

Save Energy With Christmas Decorations – Tips to save energy this Christmas season with Christmas Decorations. The Christmas season allows people to transform their homes into wonderlands of lights, garlands and poinsettias. Each family has its own Christmas traditions, and decorations are a part of many of those traditions. #Christmas

National Men Make Dinner Day – day set aside for men to cook dinner at home for the family and/or friends. #NationalMenMakeDinnerDay #MenMakeDinnerDay

Scars by TobyMac – This Weeks Christian Music Monday is by TobyMac and his song Scars. This is a special feature because it is in memory of his son Truett Foster, who recently passed away.

This blog post talks about some stats on bullying, steps to deal with bullying and gives you some Bible verses to help you as victims of bullying or even to show you bullying is wrong.

Earth Science Week – Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam has proclaimed October 8 through October 14 Earth Science Week in Tennessee, which will promote the important role that geology and other earth sciences play in Tennessee’s safety, health, welfare and economy, and awareness of the dynamic interactions of the planet’s natural systems.

VOTD September 28 – A man of too many friends comes to ruin, But there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. Proverbs 18:24 NASB

Grandparents Day, mamaw, papaw, grand father, grand mother, grand dad, grand mom, etc. what is it? When is it? Find out here! #GrandParentsDay

Stillbirth Remembrance Day – simply a day set aside to remember and honor the babies born still. #StillbirthRemembranceDay

What is a rainbow baby? When we think of a rainbow we know about God’s Covenant including twisted versions too. Click to find out what a Rainbow Baby is. #RainbowBaby #Rainbow

A Recipe for Crispy Chicken Alfredo Egg Roll. These are done similar to the Italian Pizza Egg Roll recipe. These are very yummy!

National Bowling Day is held annually on the second Saturday of August each year. This is a day that we celebration one of America’s favorite past times, Bowling. Maybe you can take your church group bowling this day. #bowling

American Family Day – A day similar to Father’s Day and Mother’s Day, but for the whole family! #AmericanFamilyDay

Respect for Parents Day – A day set aside to think of the positive things parents contribute to society and an effort to help make families united and strong. #RespectForParentsDay

Father-in-law Day – This day is to honor your spouses father, your father-in-law. #FatherInLawDay

National Ice Cream Day, a great day to take the family and eat some ice cream, plus a great way to witness or hand out gospel tracts. Find out when it is and what it is. #NationalIceCreamDay