A SkitGuys video on Fatherhood. This skit is on what’s it like being a dad? This dad daydreams about what it is like being a dad in this video. I think he pretty much hit the nail dead on. This video is very moving, emotional. #Fatherhood #SkitGuys #FathersDay #DadsAreAwesome
Tag: Family

Duct Tape, it claims to fix anything. Find out what this dad does with duct tape. This is a funny parody video by Bluefish TV. Plus I share some other uses too. #bluefishtv #DuctTape #Father #FathersDay

Check out this IgniterMedia video on what dads can’t do. A great video to watch with your dad or even share on Father’s Day or any other day. #FathersDay #DadsAreAwesome

A Father’s Glory … If all the bad ties in the world were laid end-to-end, we still wouldn’t be able to show how wide our love is for fathers. This Father’s Day, remind dads in your congregation that they are the glory of their children. (Skit Guys) #DadsAreAwesome #SkitGuys #FathersDay

Stages of life & how we need dad at various ages. The ages go from Age 6 to Age 70. It goes from I love you to annoying even to you were right & so on. #Dad

Unique ways to honor Dad this Father’s Day – Father’s Day is a day many families look forward to. Though its history might not go back as far as many religious or government-designated holidays, Father’s Day is rife with tradition in many households. #FathersDay

Military Spouse Appreciation Day – a day to show appreciation & to show appreciation for the sacrifices of military spouses. They have to make sacrifices while the other one is gone serving our country on active duty. #MilitarySpouseAppreciationDay

I share a Skit Guy skit video on Being Mom. Honoring Mom’s not just one day a year but every day. Check out this dad imaging being a mom. #MotherDay

This video is for all the unnoticed moms out there. Those who do all these special chores and more and go unnoticed. Thank you so much for all that you do. I hope and pray you have a blessed Mother’s Day.

Mother’s Day Military Style – Check out how these military soldiers, men and women in uniform wish their mom a Happy Mother’s Day, this is totally awesome too! #MothersDay

CHeck out this video aboutThe Messy Life of A Mom a video to honor mothers by Igniter Media. Happy Mother’s Day! #MothersDay

Mom Goggles & Mom Googles 2, two skit guy videos because dad’s don’t always see things the way mom does. Happy Mother’s Day from Skit Guys and Courageous Christian Father.

Check out Ryan’s story and his unforgettable Mother’s Day delivery. Find out what he sent his mom for Mother’s Day and listen to his story.

Firefighters Prayer – When I am Called to Duty, God. Whenever flames may rage, Give me strength to save some life, Whatever be its age … Click to finish reading the rest of the fire fighters prayer. #FireFighters #FireFightersPrayer

Baby Day – A day to celebrate that new bundle of joy … the baby. #BabyDay

Keep Kids Alive Day Drive 25 – An awareness to drive slow in residential areas where children are to help keep our children alive and safe.

8 Ways To Entertain Your Children During A Quarantine – Here are some ways that you can help keep your children entertained during a quarantine or just in general.

National Love Our Children Day – Okay really, do we really need a national day for loving our children? Yet, there is a holiday just for that! However, the holiday isn’t what we think …it is a day to help focus on the prevention of child abuse and violence.

VOTD March 20 – “For You formed my inward parts; You wove me in my mother’s womb. I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, And my soul knows it very well.” Psalms 139:13-14 NASB

Forgive Mom & Dad Day – Here is a day set aside to forgive your parents, your mom and dad. But, should we need a day to forgive them? #ForgiveMomDadDay