Wiper Blades Up! Want to help preserve those wiper blades during the winter times of snow, freezing rain and slush. When you have your car parked raise your wiper blades up and away from the window. If they are up on the window, they can stand a chance of freezing to the window, especially when freezing rain comes and causes slush and freezes that slush. #WiperBlades
Tag: Family

Do you know the names of Santa in other countries. Did you know he dresses different and his physique is also different in other countries than what’s imaged in the US? #SantaClaus #Santa #Christmas

Tips for preparing to cook your turkey for Thanksgiving. A good entertainment plan that saves time and money is something to be truly thankful for. With the right plan, all that cooks will need to do on Thanksgiving Day is put dishes into the oven and remove them when they are done. A few hints from professional chef Jim Coleman can help you save money while affording you more time to spend with your guests. Now with a free printable version! #Turkey #Thanksgiving #TurkeyTips #Recipe

A free Christian Thanksgiving fun sheet Download from KSBJ Contemporary Christian Music. A turkey to color, Bible verses to look up and a word search.

Greenlight A Vet: Show support for your Veterans by changing one light to green to show support and well-being for our vets. #GreenLightAVet #VeteransDay

My porch light is green! I used a green LED light bulb to put on my front porch as part of Greenlight a vet. LED lights can help save money. Veterans Day! #GreenLightAVet #VeteransDay

International Bible Week – Celebrated near or around Thanksgiving. Formally called National Bible Week. A week to focus on the Bible. #BibleWeek #BibleCelebration

National Family Week – A week long celebration of the family. Usually celebrated on or around the week of Thanksgiving. Plus, it is also celebrated during International Bible Week. #FamilyWeek

Halloween Is More Dangerous on a Saturday – Just think about that a moment. More people are off of work. Not to mention more people will party and drink and much more!

The church is not just an event to attend, but a family to belong to. #BeTheMovement A Quote from J.D. Greear on Facebook. #JDGreear

Wiggle Your Toes Day. Come on take off those choose and socks and go barefooted and wiggle your toes. Maybe wiggle your toes as a family! #August6 #WiggleYourToesDay

National Chicken Wing Day a day to to enjoy those delicious chicken wings! Whether you like them hot and spicy, sticky sweet or plain Jane and whether your prefer them served with blue cheese, ranch, plum sauce or celery sticks. #NationalChickenWingDay #ChickenWings #ChickenWingsDay #BWWings #WeLoveWings #QuakerSteak #wildwingcafe #ccf

National Lasagna Day – Lasagna is one of my favorite foods to make and eat. There always seems to be a holiday for everything today. #NationalLasagnaday #LasagnaDay #Lasagna

Parents Day! What is it? When is it? When did it start? I share a brief blog post about Parents Day. #ParentsDay

Aunt & Uncle’s Day – a family holiday to celebrate your aunt and uncle. #AuntUncleDay

National Lollipop Day – June 20 is National Lollipop Day. Time to take the family out for some suckers and lollipops. #NationalLollipopDay #LollipopDay #Lollipops

Family Prayer of the Day – today’s prayer focuses on family. #Family #PrayeroftheDay

Cow Appreciation Day – A day to appreciation cowshed have an undderlyy good time and score some free grub/food at Chick-Fil-A. Dress up and enjoy a family outing. #Chickfila #CowAppreciationDay #Cow #CowAppreciation

National Father Daughter Take a Walk Together Day was created to promote the benefits of family bonding time between fathers and daughters as well as the benefits of physical activity. #NationalFatherDaughterTakeaWalkTogetherDay

Fathers Prayer of the Day – Today’s Prayer of the Day is for all the fathers (dads out there). #Father #FathersDay #PrayeroftheDay