I discuss God’s Not Dead. I give my review, my take of this movie. If you have seen it or haven’t seen it you may want to see my thoughts about this movie. #GodsNotDead #GodsNotDeadMovie #GodsNotDead
Tag: Family

The movie trailer to Heaven is For Real. This is based on a true story of a little boy Colton. There is a book for this as well. #HeavenIsForReal

2004 Dodge Stratus – A Blessing from God

This years Patterson Post is a Christmas Song theme newsletter. It is entitled Make a Joyful Noise. It has sheet music for Christmas songs and even a few lyrics to some Christmas songs too.
Also check out my daughters “No Bake Cookies” recipe inside as well.

10,000 Reasons
What are you thankful for? Can you count them one by one? How about this, can you count 10,000 reasons?

thelifebook: The Saturation Begins Handing Out The Life Book
The Saturation begins. the life book movement is starting here in Jefferson City, TN area. What is The Life Book? How can I do a saturation? #TheLifeBook

Hope for Hurting Hearts Movie Review
Do you have a hurting heart that needs help? There is an answer! Do you think there is no end? Do you want to know how to find that? Check out this blog post on this film Hope for Hurting Hearts and see for yourself if you can find it too.

Are you living All For Him? Are you a 13-25? If so check out this ministry. Are you a parent with someone between those ages? Then check it out as well. (AllForHim)

This is a good video on YouTube from bluefishTV. This about sharing too much information (TMI) with someone. Youth you need to be careful, even us adults too.

This is my attempt at the Glitter Glow Jars. A craft you can make too.

Thank God For Fathers Church Sign Roaring Fork Baptist Church in Gatlinburg, TN (Check out my blog post for the rest of what the sign reads.)

Unconditional Movie Review
This is a movie review for the Movie “Unconditional” with also the trailer to that movie. Samantha has a storybook life then loses her faith when her husband is killed in a senseless act of violence. Sam’s faith reignites when she meets a childhood friend who cares for children in his under-resourced neighborhood. #Unconditional

This is my short movie review for the movie “Just Where I Belong” it was also entitled “The Christmas Bunny”. #JustWhereIBelong #ChristmasBunny

Check out the 2013 Jefferson County May Day Unity Festival. It is coming May 25, 2013. Check out this entry for some information on it.

Great comedy video on YouTube by Michael Jr. This is about What It Would Be Like To Be Jesus’ Brother. Thou Shalt Laugh series.

My movie recommendation for the movie Courageous. Where Honor begins at home. A Must watch movie for all families and dads. #Couragoeus

25 iPhone rules for my teenaged daughter. I know first hand being a single parent is hard. We never know what our kids are into on these smart phones.

Restarting the book LiveSecond: 365 Ways to Make Jesus First. I will keep track of my progress via my blog. #IASCreation

Bible verses from the Bible that my daughter wanted to share with me on a piece of paper.

Why don’t you make it a movie night with the family. Here are some FREE Red Box Codes to get you started. #Redbox