This blog post is about The Saint John’s Bible. I visited an exhibit with the Saint John’s Bible on display. I talk about this Bible in this blog post. #SaintJohnsBible #Bible
Are we a good person based on the 10 commandments? A Test to Take
Do you think you are a good person? You do? Do you care if we take a look using the 10 commandments? This blog post I share the 10 commandments. I also share about if we are a good person based on these standards or not. Find out and take the test for yourself!
Working on Bachelors of Theology at Andersonville Theological Seminary
I am starting my Bachelors of Theology at Andersonville Theological Seminary. Learn more about what I am studying and track my progress too. #theology
Books of the Old Testament – Law, History and Poetry
Books of the Old Testament and area of topic. Law, History and Poetry.
Christian Action
Christian Actions keeping the stool balanced by using Piety, Study and Action. Using your gifts to serve God. A Plan for Christian Action. Friendship and Reaching out to others.
Jesus and the Holy Scriptures
Jesus and the Holy Scriptures, shows where Jesus points back to the Old Testament. Jesus attest to the indissolubility of the Scriptures. Jesus confirms the Truth in every word. Jesus forecast and authorized the writing of the New Testament.