Bible / Men of the Bible / Podcast / Printables / Relationships / Women of the Bible

20 Reasons When to Keep Your Mouth Shut Printable

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20 Reasons When to Keep Your Mouth Shut – Don’t Open Your Mouth! Includes Bible verses too! Whosoever keepeth his mouth and his tongue, keepeth his soul. Plus a free printable version!

Bible / Death / Fear / God / Holidays / Holy Spirit / Jesus Christ / Men of the Bible / Prayer / Witnessing

Friday the 13th & a Full Moon

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Friday the 13th & a Full Moon – This happens when a full moon occurs on a Friday with the date of 13. Which is a rare occasion. #Fridaythe13th #Friday13 #FullMoon #Moon

Bible / Christian / Church / Evolution / Faith / Fruit of the Spirit / God / Grace / Holy Spirit / Jesus Christ / Love / Men of the Bible / Prayer / Solomon / Study / Xtreme Winter

40+ Christian Pick Up Lines

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Do you like Christian Humor? How about Christian Humor about dating? Check out some of these funny, cheesy or even weird Christian Pick Up Lines (over 40!) #ChristianPickUpLines


Three Corded Rope Is Not Easily Broken

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Three Corded Rope – a three corded rope is stronger than a single corded rope. The same applies to us in relationships! One rope is you, the other is them and the most important cord is … Jesus Christ. As Jesus Christ is the center rope! Plus, I share about two other theories I came across while studying.

Bible / Prayer / Relationships / True Love Waits

Praying for your relationship

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Praying for your relationship! You Pray for Me. I also pray for you! Prayer is very important in any relationships including friends, work, dating and more. This only comes by having a Christ-Centered relationship. Putting Christ first in it!

Bible / Calvinism / God / Men of the Bible / Romans / Saul / Sin / Theology / Women of the Bible

Total depravity

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Total depravity – the doctrine that human nature is thoroughly corrupt and sinful as a result of the Fall. That all men are born evil. This is also known as the dead man theory or we are dead because of our sin and we must be born again or regenerated. That means man can do nothing to bring about his own salvation. #TotalDepravity #TULIP

Bible / Romans / Way of the Master

Are we a good person based on the 10 commandments? A Test to Take

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Do you think you are a good person? You do? Do you care if we take a look using the 10 commandments? This blog post I share the 10 commandments. I also share about if we are a good person based on these standards or not. Find out and take the test for yourself!

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