Posted in Church Signs Jesus Christ

If no one knows you’re following Jesus church sign

If no one knows you’re following Jesus church sign – This church sign is from the First Church of the Nazarene in Corbin, KY. We say this sign on May 2, 2024. It reads If no one knows you’re following Jesus. Then, you probably not.

End NF Car in Corbin #EndNF
Posted in Health & Fitness

End NF Car

End NF Car. In Corbin, KY, there is a car that says End NF. This is a special car driven by Wallen’s Towing & Recovery for local NF Hero, Austin Stewart. NF stands for Neurofibromatosis. NF runs in my family including myself, my mom, uncle and cousins on my mom’s side. #EndNF #Neurofibromatosis

KBC Evangelism Milestone Award 2020 - The Kentucky Baptist Convention (KBC) named Pastor Allen Bonnell of Immauel Baptist Church of Corbin for this award. #EvangelismMilestoneAward
Posted in Church Evangelism Gospel Witnessing

KBC Evangelism Milestone Award 2020

KBC Evangelism Milestone Award 2020 – The Kentucky Baptist Convention (KBC) named Pastor Allen Bonnell of Immauel Baptist Church of Corbin for this award. #EvangelismMilestoneAward

Posted in Kentucky Pastors

Central Baptist Church Pastor Chad Fugitt will be nominated for the Kentucky Baptist Convention

Central Baptist Church of Corbin, KY, Pastor Chad Fugitt will be nominated for the Kentucky Baptist Convention presidency in November.

A White Flag Is Flown Outside A Church In Winter - What does a a flying white flag outside a church mean in the winter? A White Flag Is Flown Outside A Church In Winter My wife told me about this last year. First Baptist Church in Corbin for the second year has flown the white flag.
Posted in Church Flags

A White Flag Is Flown Outside A Church In Winter

A White Flag Is Flown Outside A Church In Winter – What does a a flying white flag outside a church mean in the winter?

Posted in Cats Forgotten Felines of Corbin KY Inc.

Forgotten Felines of Corbin, KY Inc.

Forgotten Felines of Corbin, KY Inc. – a place to help cats from overpopulation, spay/neutering, vaccinations, adoptions and more in the Corbin, KY area.

See You At The Pole Rally Corbin - Corbin, KY will host a Rally for the See You At the Pole 2018. This year will feature illusionist Brian Drake. #SYATP #BrianDrake
Posted in Christian See You At The Pole

See You At The Pole Rally Corbin

See You At The Pole Rally Corbin – Corbin, KY will host a Rally for the See You At the Pole 2018. This year will feature illusionist Brian Drake. #SYATP #BrianDrake

You are important to God - First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Corbin, KY.
Posted in Christian Church Church Signs Holidays

Important To God Church Sign

Important To God Church Sign – This church sign reminds us that we are important to God.

Shape of True Love Church Sign - SOuth Park United Baptist - The Shape of True Love Isn't A Heart It's a Cross.
Posted in Church Church Signs Cross Holidays Kentucky Love

Shape of True Love Church Sign

Shape of True Love Church Sign – This church sign tells us what the shape of true love is … Is it the heart or the cross? Find out!

Out of God's Will YOu can't Succeed - In God's Will You Can't Fail. First Church of the Nazarene
Posted in Christian Church Church Signs God

God’s Will Church Sign

God’s Will Church Sign – This church sign talks about being in and out of the Will of God. See what this church says says!

Do you want More of God or More From God. Parkway Ministries Corbin, KY Church Sign
Posted in Church Signs God Holidays

More of God or More From God Church Sign

More of God or More From God Church Sign – This church sign ask a good question to people. Do you want more of God? Do you want more from God?

Brooklyn Brothers Pizzeria Review in Corbin, KY
Posted in Holidays

Brooklyn Brothers Pizzeria (Corbin) Review

Brooklyn Brothers Pizzeria (Corbin) Review – A review of a pizza joint in Corbin, KY. Find out if I believe this is the best pizza joint there is or not.

Are You Praying for your Lost Sheep (Waldo) Immanuel Baptist Church Corbin KY
Posted in Christian Church Sheep

Are you praying for your Lost Sheep (Waldo)

Are you praying for your Lost Sheep (Waldo) Are you praying for your Lost Sheep (Waldo) Immanuel Baptist Church in…

Cumberland Falls #CumberlandFalls
Posted in Holidays Kentucky Rainbow

Cumberland Falls & the Moonbow

Cumberland Falls & the Moonbow – Check out this beautiful waterfall in this weeks Travel Thursday. This site is also popular due to it is one of a few places you can see a moonbow during a Full Moon. #CumberlandFalls #Moonbow

God often uses the people around you to deliver an answer to your prayer. (First Christian Church - Disciples of Christ - Corbin, KY)
Posted in Church Church Signs God Holidays Prayer

God often uses the people around you to deliver an answer to your prayer

God often uses the people around you to deliver an answer to your prayer – This weeks Church Sign Saturday talks about God using people around us to answer our prayer.

Give Satan An Inch and He Will Be Your Ruler Church Sign from The Church of God of the Union Assembly in Corbin, KY
Posted in Church Church Signs

Give Satan An Inch Church Sign

Give Satan An Inch Church Sign – Check out this church sign in Corbin, KY about giving Satan an inch and what he will become in this weeks Church Sign Saturday.

99¢ Milk vs $2.69 Milk at Kroger
Posted in Knoxville

99¢ Milk vs $2.69 Milk

99¢ Milk vs $2.69 Milk – Yes, two different prices for milk in two different places. These two places are two hours or less apart. #Milk

The Dixie Cafe in Downtown Corbin, KY (Outside Building) #DixieCafe #Corbin
Posted in Christian

The Dixie Cafe (Corbin, KY)

The Dixie Cafe (Corbin, KY). This is a little mom and pop diner in downtown Corbin, KY. It is a locally owned by a Christian family! #DixeCafe #Corbin

LoveLoud Corbin 2017 #LoveLoud #LoveLoudCorbin
Posted in Jesus Christ Love

LoveLoud Corbin

Corbin LoveLoud is a collaborative effort by the churches of our area to share God’s love in a practical way. LoveLoud is a movement of churches demonstrating God’s love by meeting human needs while sharing Christ. Join us on the journey of impacting lives and transforming our community through the power of the gospel. #LoveLoud #LoveLoudCorbin

Prayer Walk for our Schools - Corbin, KY - Central Baptist Corbin Flyer
Posted in Christian Prayer

Prayer Walk for our Schools

Prayer Walk for our Schools Tuesday, September 26, 2017 at 7 p.m. At your local school. Join in and pray for your area school(s). This is happening in Corbin, KY, maybe we should do this everywhere!