Arrowhead Church of God of Prophecy in Maryville, TN and their church sign that says changing calendar unchanging God. #Arrowhead
Tag: Church Signs

Merry Christmas! New Market Baptist Church Christmas sign. Find out what they say is the most important part of Christmas.

See what Wooddale Free Will Baptist Church and what their sign says “God Is Never In A Hurry, But God Is Never (click to view the rest of the message)

Gospel is a declaration not a debate – This is a church sign is from Wooddale Free Will Baptist Church in Strawberry Plains, TN.

Greenhill Baptist Church in Dandridge, TN their church sign read the next time the devil reminds you of your past, remind him of his future. Past and Future

Forecast God Reigns Son Shines church sign at New Market United Methodist Church in New Market, TN.

New Market United Method Church Sign 06/26/2012 – Say Jesus Loud It Ticks The Devil Off (a picture of their sign)

Facebook or Faithbook: I share with a church sign I pass on my way to work.You must check this blog entry out to see what the sign reads.

I saw this on a church sign on my way home from work today. I liked it and figured I would share this with you all in my blog. (click on the blog entry to see what I saw written on the church sign). I also share a picture of this church sign too.