Posted in Christian Gary Miller God Hunting Outdoor Truths Relationships

The Non-Typical Type – Outdoor Truths

Many of you think your tragedy is too big to overcome. That is where this weeks Outdoor Truths with Gary Miller on the non-typical type. God’s specialty is turning the non-typical into the trophy. He mixes love, truth, and time together to produce a work of his grace. #OutdoorTruths #GaryMiller

Warning Do Not Read This Blog Post
Posted in Blogging Christian God

Warning! Do Not Read This Blog Post!

WARNING! What ever you do, do not read this blog post! I mean it! You do not want to read this blog post. What ever you do do not even click the link!

Outdoor Truths - Gary Miller
Posted in Bible Christian Encouragement Gary Miller God Hunting Outdoor Truths Relationships

Behind the Scenes – Every part matters – Outdoor Truths

This weeks Outdoor Truths with Gary Miller is about Behind the Scenes – Every part matters. The truth remains that those in the limelight would not be in the limelight without someone sitting behind said light and turning it on. #OutdoorTruths #GaryMiller

Outdoor Truths - Gary Miller
Posted in Bible Christian God Hunting Outdoor Truths Relationships

Mark the Path – Making a way for others – Outdoor Truths

This weeks Outdoor Truths with Gary Miller is about Mark the Path – Making a way for others. Wisdom is knowing when to blaze your own trail and when to understand the trail that others have blazed is the only way to go. #OutdoorTruths #GaryMiller

Outdoor Truths - Gary Miller
Posted in Bible Christian Fishing God Hunting Jesus Christ Outdoor Truths Relationships Thanksgiving

Outdoor Truths – Ecosystem New is Good

This weeks Outdoor Truths with Gary Miller is about Ecosystem New is Good. What goes for four-legged animals also goes for the two-legged ones. People who need Jesus. The ecosystem is changing and I like the change! #OutdoorTruths #GaryMiller #Ecosystem #Hunting

Outdoor Truths - Gary Miller
Posted in Bible Christian Fishing God Hunting Outdoor Truths Relationships

Outdoor Truths – Absence – Returning back from a time away

This weeks Outdoor Truths w/Gary Miller is about Absence – Returning back from a time away. There are times in our lives that we are tempted to let other things take priority over our spiritual life as well. #Outdoortruths #GaryMiller

Outdoor Truths - Gary Miller
Posted in Christian God Hunting Outdoor Truths Relationships Sports

Outdoor Truths – A Mulligan – Right the first time

This weeks Outdoor Truths w/Gary Miller is about it’s beginning to feel a lot like deer season. Even though I can’t redo the past, I can make sure my present decisions are worth the price I’m paying – the most important being my spiritual ones. #OutdoorTruths #GaryMiller #DeerHunting #Mulligan #Hunting

See You At the Pole 2016 We Cry Out Artwork
Posted in Bible Christian Educational Flags God Jesus Christ Prayer Repent See You At The Pole The Life Book Tracts

See You At The Pole – We Cry Out

See You At The Pole ™ – We Cry Out – Wednesday, September 28, 2016. A generation seeking Him! Psalm 24:3-6 Plus Global Week of Student Prayer. #SYATP #SYATP2016 #WeCryOout # #psalm24threeTHRUsix #aGenerationSeekingHim #iWillPray #LifeBooks

Outdoor Truths - Gary Miller
Posted in Bible Encouragement Family Fishing God Hunting Outdoor Truths Relationships

Outdoor Truths – Encouragement The Reason We Come Together

This weeks Outdoor Truths w/Gary Miller is about encouragement. It is perhaps the most powerful tool in existence. #Encouragement. #OutdoorTruths #GaryMiller

Outdoor Truths - Gary Miller
Posted in Christian God Grace Hunting Jesus Christ Outdoor Truths Relationships

Outdoor Truths – Trophies of Grace

This weeks Outdoor Truths with Gary Miller is about Outdoor Truths – Trophies of Grace: What they bring to God’s check-in station is so much bigger than what we bring. But we are so wrong. #OutdoorTruths #Trophies

Outdoor Truths - Gary Miller
Posted in Bible Christian God Hunting Outdoor Truths Relationships Weather

Outdoor Truths – The Third Season Reaping, Sowing and Trusting

This weeks Outdoor Truths w/Gary Miller is about The Third Season Reaping, Sowing, and Trusting. Everything in life points to one unchangeable principle – you hardly every reap in the same season as you sow. #OutdoorTruths #GaryMiller

How social media can help your Ministry
Posted in Christian Church Social Media

How social media can help your Ministry

How social media can help your Ministry – Christian Ministries know how important it is to reach others for Christ via their ministry. The Internet has made it easier than ever before for Christian Ministries to do just that, but the days of relying on a Web site alone have largely fallen by the wayside. #SocialMedia

Outdoor Truths - Gary Miller
Posted in Bible Christian Family God Hunting Outdoor Truths Relationships

Outdoor Truths – A Longing Going Back Again

This weeks Outdoor Truths with Gary Miller is about A Longing Going Back Again. There is also a longing in the heart of man to go back to the place where we first discovered God. #OutdoorTruths

Outdoor Truths - Gary Miller
Posted in Bible Christian Family Fishing God Hunting Outdoor Truths Prayer Relationships

Outdoor Truths – Two Fish More Than I Asked For

This weeks Outdoor Truths w/Gary Miller is about Two Fish More Than I Asked For, prayers being answered or not answered but God’s timing. #OutDoorTruths #GaryMiller

Outdoor Truths - Gary Miller
Posted in Bible Christian Fishing God Hunting Outdoor Truths Relationships

The Goal Communicating for Change (Outdoor Truths)

This weeks Outdoor Truths w/Gary Miller is about The Goal – Communicating for Change, we spent too much time communicating and not enough time on … #OutdoorTruths #GaryMiller

Posted in Christian Father

New Courageous Christian Father Promo Video by RRTV

New Courageous Christian Father Promo Video by RRTV – Thanks to Righteous Rock T.V. and TJ Servant (Tony) for all you do as well for the blog ministry of Courageous Christian Father. #CCF #RRTV

Outdoor Truths - Gary Miller
Posted in Bible Christian Cross Death Fishing God Hunting Jesus Christ Outdoor Truths Relationships

Outdoor Truths – Bees The Sting is Gone

This weeks Outdoor Truths w/Gary Miller is about bees. We do not need to be afraid of death anymore. Christ faced death for us. He has taken the sting!

Outdoor Truths - Gary Miller
Posted in Bible Christian Creation Freedom God Jesus Christ Men of the Bible Outdoor Truths Relationships Women of the Bible

Outdoor Truths – Freedom A Slave to Someone or Something

This weeks Outdoor Truths with Gary Miller is about Freedom A Slave to Someone or Something. The ultimate freedom giver was God when he gave His Son Jesus to die for our sins. #OutdoorTruths #Freedom

Outdoor Truths - Gary Miller
Posted in Animals Bible Christian Fruit of the Spirit Hunting Outdoor Truths Relationships Thanksgiving

Outdoor Truths – Cow Pies Nothing’s Worthless

This weeks Outdoor Truths with Gary Miller is about Cow Pies Nothing’s Worthless. What the rest of the world sees as worthless and even unmentionable, are the catalyst for growth and the medium for consistency. So, don’t forget that what looks like cow pies to you, is fertilizer to God.


Outdoor Truths - Gary Miller
Posted in Christian God Outdoor Truths Relationships Weather

Outdoor Truths – Extremes: Learning From Our Childhood

This weeks Outdoor Truths with Gary Miller is about extremes, to show you that if you only live your adult life in comfort, you will miss some of the greatest things God had planned for you. #OutdoorTruths