An estimated 500,000 pets are affected annually by home fires, however, nearly 1,000 house fires each year are accidentally started by the homeowners’ pets, according to a new data analysis by the National Fire Protection Association.
6 signs your cat has fleas
6 signs your cat has fleas – Fleas are something no cat parent wants to encounter, but they’re all too common among companion animals. Unfortunately, once fleas are in the house, they can affect everyone in the household – including people.
12 Ways to pet your cat
12 Ways to pet your cat – There are many ways you can pet your cat. Here is a list of some of them. Remember to Pet Your Cat responsibly This came by the means of a meme that I am sharing. I cannot make out the watermark logo. If you know how did this, let us know! The Jogger The Piano The Bread Kneader The Airplane The Brain Eater The Butt Muncher The Flute The Fine Tooth Comb The Thinker The Hyber-Space The Turtle Neck The Kali Ma
Easter Lilies Can Kill a Cat?
Easter Lillies Can Kill a Cat? – This popular plant is deadly to cats. #EasterLillies
Joel the Brave, Large and in Charge
My name is Joel the Brave and I am Large and In Charge! Well, I am in charge on odd numbered days.
Cat Herders’ Day
Cat Herders’ DayCat Herders’ Day – Does your day or life seem like you are trying to herd cats? Then, this day is for you! #CatHerdersDay
Herding Cats
Herding Cats – Is it possible to herd cats like you do farm animals like sheep and cattle? #HerdingCats
Want healthier kids? Get a pet …. Um Cat!
Want healthier kids? Get a pet …. Um Cat! If youngsters have been eyeing fuzzy kittens or boisterous puppies at nearby shelters or pet stores, parents may want to give in to those cries for a family pet. Pets are added responsibilities, but the health benefits associated with pet ownership may be well worth the investment of time and effort. Pets can contribute to cognitive, physical and emotional wellness in children.
Scaredy cat
Scaredy cat – do you fear a lot of things? Scared of things? You might be a scaredy cat! What exactly is that? Find out here! #ScaredyCat
God created cats on the 6th Day
God created cats on the 6th Day – On the 6th Day is when God created the hoomans and the land animals. He created the hoomans to have dominion over us animals. It is all recorded in the Bible. us animals know there is a God, but many hoomans don’t!
Are Catguts made from cats?
Are Catguts made from cats? They are made from a certain animals intestines, but are they made from the cats intestines?
Cats and vegetarian diets may not make an ideal match.
Cats and vegetarian diets may not make an ideal match. Cats have a greater need for protein than their canine counterpart. Cats and vegetarian diets may not make an ideal match. While protein can be found in a vegetarian diet, different proteins contain different levels of amino acids cats need to survive. Taurine is an amino acid found in meat and fish that cats cannot synthesize, meaning they must get it through their diets. If cats’ diets don’t include sufficient taurine, the resulting deficiency can lead to heart disease and other potentially serious health problems. Cats also need more protein […]
The Cat’s Meow
The Cat’s Meow – Cats rarely to never meow at other cats. They Meow only to hooman’s. Check out ways cats communicate with each other.
String Game
String Game – My name is Joel the Brave and I like playing String Game. It’s simple, a basic string like a shoe lace and the cat chases and/or fetches it.
Foods that cats and dogs should never eat
Foods that cats and dogs should never eat – Nutritious diets are essential to long-term pet health. Many well-intentioned pet owners feed their pets foods they believe are nutritious, only to learn that certain foods, even those deemed healthy for humans, can be quite dangerous to dogs and cats.