Autumn, God’s Colorful Creation Displayed! Just like the earth has seasons, we too have seasons in our spiritual walk. #Autumn
Tag: Bible
Read through the Bible Plan – a YouVersion Bible App reading plan that will allow you to read the whole bible in one year. #YouVersion
45 Bible Names – Here is a list of 45 names from the Bible. #BibleNames (Biblical Names)
Be Still and Know that I am God – here is a meme / info graphic with that verse and broken up with points on each part.
Twas the Day After Bible School Printable – Here is a free printable about a poem about the day after Vacation Bible School. This talks about the day after Vacation Bible School is done. I also make up a printable version too. #VBS #VacationBibleSchool
3 Hidden Books of the Bible Games Free Printables – Are three printables great for your youth group, Vacation Bible School and small groups, etc. Try to find the hidden Bible Books of the Bible in a paragraph or two of words. #HiddenBooks #HiddenBooksBible #HiddenBooksoftheBible #FreePrintables
The Bible Pledge, a pledge recited during Vacation Bible School (VBS). Most of the text comes from two Bible verses in the Book of Psalm. #BiblePledge | Free Printable Version!
Bible Verse Mapping Journal – this Journal is used to extend and use alongside the Verse Mapping Bibles. #VerseMapping #BGBG2 #BibleGatewayPartner
Verse Mapping Bible New International Version (NIV). Deepen Your Bible Reading and Unpack the Meaning of Scripture. Learn the Study System developed by Kristy Cambron. #VerseMapping #BGBG2
Verse Mapping Bible for Girls Review – This is a review of the NIV Verse Mapping Bible for Girls. Gathering the Goodness of God’s Word. A Unique Way to Explore the Bible by Kristy Cambron. #VerseMapping #bgbg2 ##BibleGatewayPartner
Your Final Destination
Your Final Destination – 10 out of 10 people die! Where will your final destination be? Is your eternal destination Heaven or Hell? (Only 2 places we will go) Plus the Video & Audio Version. #FinalDestination
What if Darth Vader Joined Your Small Group? Have you ever wondered what it would be like if Darth Vader was in your Sunday School class or small group? Now you can find out! #DarthVader #StarWars
Survey Asks Who Said It: Han Solo or Jesus? – When the Star Wars movie Solo came out, nearly half of Americans are not so fascinated with a galaxy far, far away that they cannot recognize a Jesus quote when they see one. #StarWars #HanSolo #Jesus
Kryptonite Is Like Sin – Did you know that Kryptonite is like sin. If you ever watched Superman. You know that Kryptonite weakness Superman, it gets rid of his strength. #Kryptonite
John Harper, Baptist Pastor, Hero aboard Titanic
John Harper was a baptist pastor & a hero aboard the Titanic, a ship they said wouldn’t sink. Find out why he is a hero! #Titanic #Titanic104 #JohnHarper #LastTitanicHero
Sinking of the Titanic: Anniversary, 1912 – This is the anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic. One if not the most deadliest maritime accidents in history. An Iceberg took out the ship no one thought could sink. This is a day of remembrance of those who lost their lives aboard the Titanic. #Titanic
The 6 panel door is said to represents two Christian symbols. The Cross & an Open Bible. I share if this is true or not about these Cross & Bible Doors / Christian Doors.
Proverbs 31: Day 31 of the 31 Day Proverbs Challenge. Read Chapter Thirty One of the Book of Proverbs. #Proverbs #Proverbs31 #bgbg2 #31DayProverbsChallenge
Proverbs 30
Proverbs 30: Day 30 of the 31 Day Proverbs Challenge. Read Chapter Thirty of the Book of Proverbs. #Proverbs #Proverbs30 #bgbg2 #31DayProverbsChallenge