The Bible according to ChatGPT – this is a response I got when I asked this AI to write me an article on the Bible. #Bible
Tag: Bible
When life gets difficult, remember that while God is shaping you, He will also use the pain and victory story as a testimony that will guide people to Jesus! – Samuel Deuth #bgbg2
Bible Gateway’s Stats for 2022 – As each year comes to a close, Bible Gateway publishes their stats for 2022 for the post popular Bible verse. #bgbg2 #BibleGateway
When you can’t, God can! What is impossible with man is possible with God! #bgbg2
This is a video segment from A Charlie Brown Christmas. Charlie Brown asked if anyone can tell him what Christmas is really about and Linus gives it to him real. Linus drops his security blanket too! He breaks out scripture to explain about Jesus’s birth as found in the Gospel of Luke Chapter 2 #CharlieBrown #CharlieBrownChristmas #Linus #ChristmasStory
In Christ, I Am … (In Christ, you are) This is a list that our pastor, Jimmy Inman used in a sermon about our identity in Christ. May God use these in your life!
46 Random Bible Verses – this blog post shares 46 random Bible verses. #bibleverses #bgbg2
Using Social Media to Share your Faith
I talk about using social media to share your faith. We have access to this great way to connect to others, why not use it to share Christ? #SocialMedia
It’s God’s Will, not your will – are we doing what we want or what God wants?
Kiev Bible Factory Stands Amongst War – You hear stories of fires and Bible surviving, how about 16,000 Bibles and a building standing amongst a war and bombing. Біблія #Біблія #Bible #bgbg2 #Ukraine #Kiev Kiev Bible Factory Stands Amongst War That is exactly what happened in the Ukraine Russian War conflict. Russia bombs part of Kiev, capital of Ukraine and the Bible manufacturing plant there stood in the mists of all the rubble and its 16,000 Bibles inside. God’s Word will always stand! I heard this on the Wally Show,
God’s autobiography – Did you know that God left us an autobiography about Him? #bgbg2
President Andrew Johnson Bible this is the Bible that Andrew Johnson took the oath of presidential office. #AndrewJohnson #Bible
“It is as impossible, unnecessary, and undesirable to be a Christian all by yourself as it is to be a newborn baby all by yourself.” – John Calvin #JohnCalvin #bgbg2
Quick! To the Biblemobile! Check out this Jesus truck / Jesus tank. #JesusTruck #JesusTank #BibleMobile
Blessing Jar! Start the New Year off right! How about a great way to remember the blessings God has given you by using a mason jar, paper and a pen. Do this for one year and at the end of year, you can see and count all the blessings. #BlessingJar
The first king size bed is not the huge bed we now have that families sleep in. But it was much smaller. It was nothing but a feeding trough for animals. This is where our Savior, our King of Kings was born, Jesus Christ. He was born in a manger. #FirstKingSizeBed #KingBed #KingSizeBed
I share my thoughts about the “Elf on the Shelf” craze. I share in reality who is the one that watches over us and knows if we are naughty or nice. #ElfOnTheShelf #MyElfExperiment
YouVersion Bible verse of the year for 2021 #YouVersion
Forgiveness can be easier said than done. Do you easily forgive others when they do wrong to you? Have you ever had anyone not forgive you and you wished they did? What does it mean to forgive? #forgiveness #BGBG2
Judgement House
Judgement House changing lives w/walk-through drama presentation of the gospel. See what it would be like to accept or reject Jesus w/portrayals of heaven & hell. #JudgementHouse