US Army Prayer of the Day – today’s prayer of the day focuses on the United States of America Army. #Army #GoArmy #PrayeroftheDay
Tag: Army

A-Z of the Military – I take each letter of the alphabet from A all the way to Z that pertains to the military. #Military

National Airborne Day – a day to celebrate the many men and women that have served in the Airborne decisions of the U.S. Army. #AirborneDay

Nearly 1500 saved at Army Base – An article shared that Revival hit an army base with 1,459 receiving Christ. at the Fort Leonard Wood Military Base.

Breaking News: Baptist Army Chaplain Faces Disciplinary Actions – A U.S. Army Chaplain Squires is facing “career-ending” disciplinary actions by the U.S. Army because he did not conduct a marriage retreat that would included same sex couples.

Sgt. Stubby: An American Hero Movie Review – My wife and I went to go see this movie and I am sharing with you my review, the trailer and more. #StubbyMovie #StubbyMovie