Relationships Acronym. This is an acrostic acronym for the word relationships. It is a Christian one too.
Tag: Acronyms
TULIP Acronym 5 Points of Reformed Theology – These are the doctrines of grace. Total Depravity, Unconditional Election, Limited Atonement, Irresistible Grace and Perseverance of the Saints. #TULIP #ReformedTheology #DoctrinesofGrace
Fighter acronym – This is a Christian acronym for the word Fighter. Plus I talk about this Christian acronym too. #Fighter
A 2.4 magnitude earthquake hit East Tennessee – This minor earthquake was said to his 4 km Southwest New Market, TN. Bible verses on earthquakes too. #Earthquake #NewMarket
The Stand in the Gap Coalition – SIGCO Pray 2016 – Does that mean God is not hearing or answering the prayers of his followers? We learn in God’s Word that He does not always deliver his people (who are obedient) out of bad situations.
2015 Annual Report for Courageous Christian Father. Find out all the stats from 2015. How many blog post published, top 10 blog post, longest streak, top referring sites, posting patterns and much more.
I blog about having a War Room, Prayer Room, Prayer Wall or Prayer Journal. We can do our fighting in prayer, a communication with God, give Him all our cares and worries. #WarRoom #PrayerRoom #PrayerWall #PrayerJournal
Prevenient Grace
What is Prevenient Grace? This blog entry discusses Prevenient Grace. I also share an acronym for the word Grace. #PrevenientGrace
Check out these three acronym for the word Gospel. #Gospel
Glow Acronym I share a Christian acronym for the word “glow”. I saw this while at the LifeWay store and wanted to share with my readers. #Grow
I talk about talking to God (pray without ceasing). I talk about we talk to our GPS’s. why not talk to God too? I also share a video from Michael Jr., a Christian comedian, who shares how God is like a GPS system. Plus a link to my post on the acronym for GPS.
GPS Acronym – We know that it means Global Positioning Satellite, but this blog post shares what the Christian acronym for GPS stands for.
Check out what this church sign says about Easter being over with and what they say about seeing you again. #churchsign
Do you know what the Yolo means? It is an acronym. Have you heard of it? #Yolo
the acronym for “Faith” #faith #acronym
Swag Acronym – A Christian Acronym for the word Swag. #swag We always hear people say I got swag so what does it really mean?
Grace Acronym – What does Grace stand for as an acronym? Find out in this blog entry. This is a Christian acronym too. #Grace
ASAP Christian Acronym – We all heard of ASAP. As Soon As Possible. I want to share with you a Christian acronym for “ASAP”. This deals with prayer too.
This is the Christian acronym for the word Grow. I even talk about the Grow Acronym and what grow says and means. #GrowAcronym
I share with you a Gift Acronym