Louisiana becomes first state requiring the Ten Commandments be displayed in public school classrooms — In a move that has sparked nationwide attention, Louisiana has become the first state to mandate the display of the Ten Commandments in public school classrooms. This controversial law, signed by Republican Governor Jeff Landry, requires a poster-sized display of the Ten Commandments in “large, easily readable font” to be placed in all public classrooms, from kindergarten through state-funded universities¹.
Tag: 10 Commandments
Happy Mother’s Day: A Special greeting for all the moms, Bible verses on “Mother” & a list of all blog entries pertaining to mom. #MothersDay #Moms
In God We Trust Day a day based on that is imprinted on our currency here in the United States. Our Nation was founded under One Nation under God. Anymore it seems God has been removed from everything. We Christians are just taking it and not standing up for our beliefs and allowing this to happen all because today’s world believes in being politically correct (pc) they say. Did you know there is a In God We Trust Day as well? #InGodWeTrust
Find out when and what was given on the tenth day of Christmas and its hidden meaning from my true love gave to me in the 12 Days of Christmas. #TenthDayofChristmas #12DaysofChristmas #Christmas
Find out when and what was given on the fifth day of Christmas and its hidden meaning from my true love gave to me in the 12 Days of Christmas. #FifthDayofChristmas #Christmas #12DaysofChristmas
I share my thoughts about the “Elf on the Shelf” craze. I share in reality who is the one that watches over us and knows if we are naughty or nice. #ElfOnTheShelf #MyElfExperiment
Judgement House
Judgement House changing lives w/walk-through drama presentation of the gospel. See what it would be like to accept or reject Jesus w/portrayals of heaven & hell. #JudgementHouse
Proverbs 23: Day 23 of the 31 Day Proverbs Challenge. Read Chapter Twenty Three of the Book of Proverbs. #Proverbs #Proverbs23 #bgbg2 #31DayProverbsChallenge
This is the full YouTube video from Ray Comfort and Way of the Master “180”. this video talks about the Holocaust. It parallels it to abortion & murder. This is a very good documentary a must watch. Comfort talks to people and ask them who Adolf Hitler is. See what people think he was in this video. Comfort also does the good person test.
God’s Last Name Is Not Damn: I talk about blasphemy. Using God’s name in Vain. God’s Name is Holy! His name is to be reverenced not cussed! #IfGodHadALastName
Children Step On Your Toes As A Child, Step On Your Heart As They Grow Up. Did you know we do the same thing to our Heavenly Father?
If you couldn’t lie – How different do you think you would be or live if you could not tell a single lie. You always told the truth! #5TruthorDare
Are you a good person? Comic featuring Mr. Nice Guy
Are you a good person? A Gospel tract Uses God’s Law to help witness & share your testimonial to other people. This comic is part of the Way of the Master. Now with free downloadable and printable versions! #GoodPersonTest #WayoftheMaster
If there was no God than Everything is Permissible because there would be no moral standards to live by and we would not have had the 10 Commandments which is the bases for all laws today.
Sin … Paid Immediately. What if we had to pay for our sin immediately? What would that punishment be? How would that change the way we look at sin? #Sin
Removing the 10 Commandments from places don’t make them go away. The 10 Commandments are the standards on which all laws are created and the first set of Laws God gave us to live by. #10Commandments
My review of the Fellowship Tract League Gospel Tracts. All kinds of gospel tracts that you can oder. #GospelTracts #FellowshipTractLeague
Are you a good person? (Video)
This is Mr. Nice Guy, he believes he will go to heaven by being a good guy. Find out about this story. This video is also a good tool to use to witness to someone and point out the law and the need for a Savior. Are You A Good Person?
AUDACITY – Full Movie
Share: Full video, Ray Comfort & Living Waters movie Audacity. Love Can’t Stay Silent. Talks about the controversy of homosexuality & how to witness to a homosexual. #Audacity #LoveWins
The Bible tells us we are to honor your father and your mother. Check out this video with Kirk Cameron for the Fatherhood Commission.