The Most Segregated Day is Sunday why is that? When we are suppose to by the body of Christ why are we divided or set apart a body and not in unity as one.
Tag: 1 Corinthians

If I was dumped because of my commitment to abstinence that is God’s way of saying I have someone better to come along that will not compromise your beliefs. I want to say Tim Tebow, God has someone better in store for you. #TimTebow #TrueLoveWaits #Abstinence

Check out this Christian Comic, After Eden on praying before using social media. #AfterEden #SocialMedia #Prayer

Ants work in unity to make a raft, we as Christians need to be in unity just like these ants to win souls for the Kingdom by sharing Jesus to the lost.

Adrenaline a faith-based movie, It’s not what you drive, it’s what drives you. (Trailer & Review) What is your purpose? #Adrenaline #AdrenalineMovie

Days of Elijah – Biblical Times Dinner Theater
Review of the production & meal for Days of Elijah at Biblical Times Dinner Theater in Pigeon Forge, TN. #DaysofElijah #BiblicalTimesDinnerTheater

God has given each and every one of us special gifts (talents) to use. We need to use these talents to best of God’s ability in witnessing & to help the church. The church is one body with many parts.

Acts 9:1-4 – Light Shone for Saul
Acts 9:1-4 – Light Shone for Saul. I talk about how Saul saw the light, the light of Christ. He stopped persecuting Christians and became a Christian and then came known as Paul.

AUDACITY – Full Movie
Share: Full video, Ray Comfort & Living Waters movie Audacity. Love Can’t Stay Silent. Talks about the controversy of homosexuality & how to witness to a homosexual. #Audacity #LoveWins

I’d rather prefer the way I do evangelism versus the way you do not do it talking about those who complain about the way I evangelise vs the way they don’t do it.

Journey off the Map
You are invited to Piedmont Baptist Church in Dandridge, TN for a Journey off the Map during Vacation Bible School (VBS).

Dial These Numbers In Case of Emergency
Dial These Numbers In Case of Emergency, where to go in the Bible to get Some help with what you may be going through.

We are told by God to Put on the whole Armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil, as it is stated in verse 11 of Ephesians 6:10-18.

What do you call a puzzle with one piece? Find out the answer in this blog post. I talk scripturally about becoming one. We are many but yet one.

True Love Waits
I talk about the True Love Waits, abstinence purity covenant that you make before God. I talk about what True Love Waits, why do it. I talk about adultery. I even mention that I am committed myself to True Love Waits and I am 39 years old. I also challenge others to commit too.

God created the union of marriage involving one man and one woman to become one. He didn’t intended for man and man or woman and woman (same-sex marriage).

How is the Holy Spirit like an alarm system? Find out in this blog post. I discuss how the Holy Spirit is like an alarm system. #alarmsystem #holyspirit

This is the video of the band For King & Country titled The Proof of Your Love. This was performed LIVE on K-Love. I wanted to share this with you. It goes with my blog post Fruit of the Spirit: Love.

Road Signs of the Bible, Wrong Way and what does the Wrong Way sign have to do with the Bible?

Love, Sex, and Dating – Part 1 – Series with Andy Stanley video. This is a must watch video for anyone single, dating or looking for marriage, or maybe even already married.