Surprizamals #Surprizamals

Surprizamals Review. You never know what animal you will get inside the ball. That is one reason they are called Surprizamals.

Surprizamals Review

On Saturday, August 26, 2017, Heather of SimplySpokn and I got to open up six of these special animals. We each took turns opening them up. Why was we opening these critters? I was given these six animals to do a review of them.

Surprizamals #Surprizamals

Heather and I both had a great time seeing what creatures we uncovered in the ball. We even ended up with Triplets. I did notice the tags are in both English and French in the set we got. We were given from series 4.

The Surprizamals We Discovered


Barrie Grizzly Bear

Barrie Grizzly Bear (Barrie is always ready for a nap! Birthday: November 12 - Favorite Color: Cyan) #Suprizamals
Barrie Grizzly Bear (Barrie is always ready for a nap! Birthday: November 12 – Favorite Color: Cyan)

Kimmy Koala

Kimmy Koala (Kimmy loves to climb trees! Birthday: August 24 - Favorite Color: Baby Blue) #Surprizamals
Kimmy Koala (Kimmy loves to climb trees! Birthday: August 24 – Favorite Color: Baby Blue)

Yety Yeti

Yety Yeti (Others are intimated by Yeti but he's really sweet at heart! Birthday: April 23 - Favorite Color: Teal) Got 3 of these #Suprizmals
Yety Yeti (Others are intimated by Yeti but he’s really sweet at heart! Birthday: April 23 – Favorite Color: Teal) Got 3 of these

Crystal Unicorn

Crystal Unicorn (Crystal the Unicorn is hard to find, but is the most special friend you'll ever have! Birthday: January 2 - Favorite Color: Ruby) #Surprizamals
Crystal Unicorn (Crystal the Unicorn is hard to find, but is the most special friend you’ll ever have! Birthday: January 2 – Favorite Color: Ruby)

Hid one for someone else to find

You may have heard of Kindness Rocks? Well, Heather and I put one of the triplets we got, Yety Yeti, in the park where we opened them and posted on the Corbin, KY Kindness Rock page about hiding this there. We figured we could share the kindness to someone else.

Kindness Rocks


Enjoyed Opening

Heather and I enjoyed opening these to see what animal was next. I have to assume the Yeti is one of the most common ones you get. From the reading the tag, I would have to take it that the Crystal Unicorn is one of the rare ones. I think Heather, enjoyed seeing that one. Plus, she also liked the Yeti one too. I think I liked the Barrier Grizzly Bear the best of the ones we opened. However, there are many more to find from this series 4. Not to mention ones from the previous series too. I did also think Kimmy Koala was cute too.

These animals did feel like a soft flush animal. Now, they are small and can pose a choking hazard for small children. They do have tags on them with their names and about the animal. That can also be a choking hazard too.

Rare or Common?

However, according to their website, Yety Yeti is a rare one, but we ended up with three of them. Plus Kimmy Koala is a rare one too. The one we thought was rare, is not even mentioned on the web site, Crystal Unicorn. This could be one of the Mystery Limited Edition ones. (If anyone knows, feel free to share in the comments below).

About Surprizamals

The Suprizamales are for those ages three and up. However, even as an adult, I enjoyed seeing which animal or creature I would get. You can get you a bunch of these and make a family or friends outing out of it. Maybe even talk about the Creation story while opening these up.

These Surprizamals are part of the Beverly Hills Teddy Bear Company, a Christian based company. They have sold over millions of toys in over 50 countries in 25 years. You can find their products in a variety of stores such as Wal-Mart, Toys R Us and Claire’s. Plus many more retailers too. These can make great stocking stuffers or even Easter Basket stuffers.

They call the balls a blind-pack, because you never know what tiny plush animal you will get. You could get one of the many in the series. They usually have 12-15 different animals in each series, that includes an ultra rare character.

You can collect or even trade these with other people. These would make great gift ideas for your next party. Boys and girls both can enjoy the fun. After all, if you get one you don’t like, trade it with a friend! These animals can range from two inches tall to 4 inches tall.

Learn more about at

Check out Heather’s Review

Heather did make some good points on the package was hard to open. I have to agree with that. Another point she made the pricing is a bit high at under $5 per item. Check out her full review and some other things she would change. It’s worth the read!

Heather also asked about making them into hairbows or something like that. On the Surpizamals Facebook page, they show where someone turned one into a hairbow.

After Publishing 

Surprizanimals comfirmed Crystal Unicorn is in fact one of the mystery ultra rare limited edition. So we ended up with an ultra rare one.

Plus they shared this with me too reguarding Heathers ideas.

The ideas Heather had were great and we had already been working on trying to improve some of those areas. Also, we have gotten better at mixing up the Surprizamals as we had been having problems with people getting multiple repeats. Not to mention, we are hoping to include key-chain like clips on them in the future as well.

I was given six blind-pack Surprizamals for this review. This is my unbiased review.

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3 thoughts on “Surprizamals Review

  1. Heather Johnson Myrick Challenge for you, write up a review about these Surprizamals) You can talk about our experience opening them. What did you think about these? Would you recommend these, etc. When you are done, come back and share the link here.

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