Man talks to his Doctor (NAPS Image)

This syndicated article is close to home for me, as I seem to be lately have heart related issues. I even under going an echocardiogram as I have been having a very high, irregular heart rate and an increase in high blood pressure. My doctor is not sure why, so I am undergoing that test. I have had MRI of my brain, echocardiogram of the heart, allergy testing and now a sleep study to see why the increase of the high heart rate.

Remember your heart is the core of your body. If it doesn’t function, you don’t function properly either. The heart is the center of it all. So if you have high blood pressure or a constant high heart rate, please get it checked out!

Four Steps To Stay Heart Healthy During
Sudden Cardiac Arrest Awareness Month

Man talks to his Doctor (NAPS Image)
Man talks to his Doctor (NAPS Image)

According to the American Heart Association, sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) kills over 350,000 people each year in the United States—more than lung cancer, breast cancer and HIV/AIDS combined.

October is SCA Awareness Month, so take time to learn about SCA: a sudden loss of heart function caused by rapid or chaotic activity in the heart’s electrical system.

While SCA is commonly mistaken for a heart attack, they are not the same. SCA’s chaotic electrical activity causes the heart to stop beating, so blood isn’t pumped to the rest of the body. A heart attack is a “plumbing” issue caused by a blocked vessel, which then leads to loss of blood supply to a portion of the heart muscle.

[pullquote]It’s a good idea to take to heart all the information you can about your risk for sudden cardiac arrest.[/pullquote]

Fortunately, many deaths from SCA are preventable. SCA can be reversible if it is treated within minutes through the delivery of a lifesaving electrical shock, as reported in an Indian Pacing and Electrophysiology Journal study. A shock can be delivered either with automated external defibrillators (AED), which are increasingly available in public locations, or with an implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD). These stopwatch-sized devices are implanted into the chest to continuously monitor the heart and deliver shocks when necessary to restore a normal heartbeat. ICDs are 98 percent effective in treating dangerously fast heart rhythms that can lead to SCA, according to the Journal of the American College of Cardiology; however, they are underutilized and many people who need them do not get them.

Now that you have background about SCA, follow these steps to better understand your risk and prevent SCA:

  1. Evaluate your risk factors, such as a family history of heart disease, previous heart attack or heart failure, and chest pain.
  2. Create a list of questions to ask your doctor and make an appointment to discuss and assess your risk.
  3. If ordered by your doctor, take one or more of the following diagnostic tests: echocardiogram, electrocardiogram (ECG), chest X-ray, exercise test or cardiac catheterization.
  4. If you are at risk of SCA, discuss all potential treatment options with your physician, including the potential benefits of an ICD.

Remember, SCA can happen to a person of any age, race or gender, so everyone should take time to discuss the risk with a physician.

I Am a white male, 39 years old, at the time of this posting, so that is proof that any person can develop heart issues. This is also why we must make sure we have accepted Jesus Christ as our personal savior and we have repented of our sin. We are never promised tomorrow.

If you think you are having heart related issues, don’t ignore it! Go see your doctor! Don’t put it off!

To learn more, visit
Article is compliments of NAPS. This is a syndicated article.

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2 thoughts on “Sudden Cardiac Arrest Awareness Month

  1. Hello Steve, thank you so much for raising awareness about sudden cardiac arrest. I am really grateful for reading this article. Sudden cardiac arrest can happen anywhere and at any time, and the first minutes are the most important to help someone suffering from sca. I have a blog about first aid and I recently posted an article about how to use portable defibrillators and how to perform CPR that also creates awareness about sudden cardiac arrest. Check it out and share it if you want. I will be more than happy to help others become more informed about this cardiac condition.

    Thanks Steve.

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