Stillbirth Remembrance Day – simply a day set aside to remember and honor the babies born still. #StillbirthRemembranceDay

Stillbirth Remembrance Day. It is a day set aside each year to honor and remember babies that have been stillborn. Still born.
Rose and Her Lily
This day is held annually on September 6. It was created in 2001.
However, we all know that everyday is a remembrance day to anyone who has lost a baby that was stillborn.
Did you know Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day is in October? I plan to share about that day in a future blog post.
Looking this day up, there is not much else I could find on it. But, I did find this …
National Memorial for the Unborn
But you can place a name plaque at the National Memorial for the Unborn. They will do two plaques, one for the site there and a copy that is mailed to you. (As one of their options).
They are in Chattanooga, TN on the very site where their only abortion clinic stood for 18 years. This Memorial was founded in 1994.
In 2007, the National Memorial began placing brick pavers into the garden to remember miscarried, stillborn, and early infant deaths.
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