Standing on the promises not on the premises

Standing on the promises not on the premises. Are we standing on the promises of God or are we just standing on the premises of His Church.

Standing on the promises not on the premises



When we stand on the promises of God, we will have acting faith. That means we will do what God says to do. Just like Noah built the ark. Abraham left to a city he didn’t where he was going and more. We are actually serving the Church. Capital “C” Church. That is God’s church. When we go to heaven, we won’t have denominations there. Not only are you serving in the Church, you are also witnessing and sharing the gospel to the lost to help grow the Kingdom of God. When you stand on the promises you see what you can do for the Church. We know that God keeps His promises!


If we stand on the premises we are not doing anything. We are just standing there. We don’t have acting faith and going out and doing things God tells us to do. This is usually the pew warmer. They come to church to see what the Church can do for them. Only coming to be filled and not share. They don’t want to serve either. This type only comes to the church building. Most of the time, they want to be entertained!

Get off

If you are standing on the premises of God, you need to get out and stand on the promises of God!


So are you standing on the promises of God? Or are you standing on the Premises of God?

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5 thoughts on “Standing on the promises not on the premises

  1. good one. One of my campaign issues – grab hold of what is truly from the Bible and not just what you think it should say and then take your marching orders and go!

  2. Hmm. Sounds familiar. Seems like I know a preacher in KY that say.. “standing on the promises, not sitting on the premises.”
    Good post.

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