Social Media Day

June 30 is known as Social Media Day. Social Media is a huge way to reach many people in a short amount of time. It can be used for good and it can be used for bad too. That depends on what you do with it. #SocialMediaDay #SMDay

Social Media Day

This day was started in 2010.

You can find out all the social media Courageous Christian Father is on by clicking here.

Courageous Christian Father on Social Media - Social Media Day

Be careful as to what you post on social media like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+ and more. Social media can be used for both good and bad. We need to watch what we post on these networks.

How can we share our faith using social media? Well that is very easy as just posting in your favorite social media network. You can share what Jesus has done for you. You can share Bible scriptures and everything else. With today’s access to these social medias it makes it easy to share the Word of God.

Using social media to share your faith. We have access to this great way to connect to others, why not use it to share Christ? #SocialMedia

Future jobs and schools do research and see what you are posting. Not to mention your current employer and school does random checks too.

Even if you are single, your future mate can see things you posted. With social media so widespread must people check the other out before going out on dates.

Once posted it’s already there. Many people could have seen it. No telling how many people screen shot what you said it copy-pasted what you said as well.

Just like words are hard to undo once spoken, these words can be hard to untype once typed and published, just like words spoken cannot be unspoken.

Think before you speak applies to think before you post!  Check out think blog post with an acronym for the word, THINK.

Our tongue and fingers with words can be the strongest part of our body causing the must damage.

Besides publishing things that go against Gods Word while professing to be a Christian not only drags Christ name in the mud but also ruins your testimony.

Don’t air your trash or dirty laundry for the world to see on social media.

Instead use social media to share Bible Verses and Godly things. Use it to invite people to church and share the gospel. Use social media for the benefit of God not the benefit of us. Let’s make good use of these networks and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Be that light in the dark world of social media.

You can also share these blog post from Courageous Christian Father on your favorite network too, or even other Christian related blog entries and articles.

You can share Christian Music music too!

The world may have meant bad to come from social media networks, but God always means good to come out of it in the end. So let’s put good use to these networks and share Jesus! Don’t be ashamed to share Jesus! Share Him Loudly and Proudly!

This graphic shows some of the social media where you can find Courageous Christian Father, you can see that list below.

If you plan to share Christ via social media, you will need to watch what you post otherwise. You don’t want to post things that also go against the Bible and God’s teachings.

I encourage you to be a bold witness and share via Social media. Check out these blog post on being a bold witness.

There are many places to share on social medias such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, MySpace, Instagram and the list can go on and on.

Another way you can share is by liking and sharing content such as Christian blog post and Christian websites.

I share Bible verses and new blog post on social network like on Twitter, Google+ and Facebook. I also share my blog entries in those social medias as well. I also invite others to church via those sites too.

A friend of mine who use to go to my church, now a pastor has used YouTube. So the possibilities are endless with the sharing. Plus it can help reach the world.

My blog makes it easy to share my blog entries. I have them listed below. If there is a service you use and I don’t have listed, feel free to tell me and feel free to copy the link in the address bar and share it with your favorite social media site.

Using Social Media can reach a broad spectrum of people. You can also reach more than one person at a time or over a course of time. Just think, they may like that post or share it and even more people will see it.

Social Media Icons

I also use my blog to share my faith. If you own a blog, then share your faith on your blog too! We are called to be disciples to go out and spread the Gospel. See Matthew 28:19 (verse below)

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

If you like a post of mine, please share it with others on your favorite social media network. There are social media share buttons so you can easily do that or you can copy paste the link and share it that way.

Where you can find me on social media

You can even use social media groups to share these new blog post too. Facebook has a lot of Christian groups that you can use and Google+ has a lot of Communities you can share them on.

Make sure to follow Courageous Christian Father so you can be sure to stay up-to-date with new post.

Do you use social media to share the Gospel or a blog? If so please leave a comment and tell me how you share your faith online.

Social Media Related Blog Post

More People Turn to Prayer than Social Media

Beatitudes of Social Media

How Social Media Can Affect Your Career

How Social Media Can Help Your Ministry

Parents Connecting with Social Media

Using Social Media to Share Your Faith

Your Church Needs Social Media

Combined two blog post into one. Most of this was first published October 23, 2012. Last updated or republished June 30, 2023.

Check out Courageous Christian Father’s Wish list on Amazon where you can purchase and be sent directly to them!

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Below are some examples of blog entries from all the blogs that I do. (Courageous Christian Father, Steve Sews Stuff, and SteveZ DesignZ). 

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About the Author

Author: Steve Patterson

A Christian Blogger that enjoys blogging about the Bible, Theology, God, Jesus Christ, Christian Music, Family, Cats, Odd Holidays, sewing and much more. I have been blogging since 2004, however, I have been blogging on Courageous Christian Father since 2012. I enjoy listening to Christian Music. I am married with 1 daughter, 2 step-sons and a step daughter.

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