How social media can help your Ministry

How social media can help your Ministry – Christian Ministries know how important it is to reach others for Christ via their ministry. The Internet has made it easier than ever before for Christian Ministries to do just that, but the days of relying on a Web site alone have largely fallen by the wayside.

Social media is one of the foremost reasons many people now go online. While engaging in social media won’t turn a Christian Ministry into a successful enterprise overnight, it can help Christian Ministries in a number of ways.

How social media can help your Ministry

How social media can help your Ministry
How social media can help your Ministry

Increase visibility


In early 2012, the digital marketing firm iCrossing estimated that Facebook would reach the 1 billion users plateau by August of that year. Twitter, another popular social media platform, has more than 100 million registered users. Simply put, social media is more popular than ever before, and its popularity is growing by the day. Christian Minisitires can take advantage of this by joining social media and immediately increasing their visibility. And that visibility is constant, as social media sites don’t close at 10 p.m. and social media allows Christian Ministries to reach many people far and wide.

Promote Events

You can use social media to promote events! I know Facebook has events that you can set up and give the details about the event. So if you are hosting an even for your Christian Ministry or your Christian Ministry will be at an event, take it to social media and allow your followers to know about the event or a chance to meet and greet with your Christian Ministry.

Promote products

Social media can be used as a promotional tool. Blog about a product to help potential customers better understand the product, and customers won’t feel as if they’re being delivered a sales pitch. Christian Ministries can easily produce how-to videos to explain the product, their Christian Ministry and any questions people may have. These videos can  be simply shared or uploaded to social media. Yes, some Christian Ministries has products to help promote their ministry such as t-shirts and other items.

Promote Ministry

Social media is making it easier for Christian Ministries to promote themselves. By using social media to tell your story and testimony. You can share what your ministry is all about and what sets your ministry apart. It is always handy to help cross-promote other ministries. For example, Courageous Christian Father ministry helps promote Righteous Rock T.V. and that ministry helps to promote Courageous Christian Father. After all, we are mainly promoting the one behind the ministry … Jesus Christ!

Sharing Your Thoughts

Social media users enjoy using social media because it gives them a chance to share their thoughts on a variety of things, including their faith and what they believe in. Christian Ministries can help their ministry by encouraging those who follow them on social media to share their thoughts. Employ social media to understand what customers like and dislike. This market research might once have cost small businesses a substantial amount of money, but now social media allows business owners to access this valuable information at relatively no cost.

Build a network

But a network of fellow followers isn’t the only network social media can help you build. Satisfied followers who take to social media to speak positively about your ministry can help you build a network of satisfied followers. Word-of-mouth has long been a friend to Christian Ministries, and now social media enables satisfied followers to share their experience with friends and family members who might one day become your next satisfied follower.

Christian Ministries often need all the help they can get to establish and maintain success. Social media can be a significant ally to your Christian Ministry in a number of ways.

I will note that Courageous Christian Father sees that social media works for this Christian Blog Ministry. The main social media networks used are Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Linked In, with Pinterest being the top social media network to bring in more visitors.

Article compliments of Metro Creative. This article was geared more toward businesses, but the same principles can be applied not only to businesses or ministries, but even churches and more. Revised made from original to suit for Christian Ministries. (How social media can help your Ministry – How social media can help your Business – How social media can help your Church) CB12A553 #SocialMedia

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